


One option for your culminating activity is to create your own version of Microsoft Paint using Java.  It will entail creating a GUI, adding interactivity, reading and writing image files and also dealing with a fair bit of programming complexity.

A guide is provided for this project choice.

                1-The GUI

                2-GUI Interactivity

                3A-Drawing Interactivity A

                3B-Drawing Interactivity B

                4-Implementing Tools

Possible Additions:

-Ability to load image from file.
-Ability to paste image from clipboard.
-Ability to save image to file.
-Add a display for the active drawing colour.
-Add a colour choose panel to change the active colour.
-New tools & options:
                -Paint bucket
                -Pencil tool
                -Paint brush
                -Colour picker
                -Spray paint
                -Line thickness
                -Filled in shapes
                -Text tool
                -Selection tool (unsure on a strategy for this tool)
                -Bulge tool
                -Gradient tool
                -and many more tools to consider…
-Display shape as it is being drawn (so that user can see size change).
-Include ability to reselect shapes and alter them (vector graphics?)
-Include ability to separate image into layers.
