You will present your portfolio to our CEO Patrick “Wildstyle” Campeau.


Your presentation will take place during the daily meeting time (class) or during a pre-approved lunch session (lunch).


You need to show a minimum of four retouched images and a maximum of six retouched images. 


You need to show both original and final images.


You may show two different results for the same image.  This would count as only one retouched image.  Please do not show too many results.  We want to see your best work – not everything you’ve done since you could type.

It is your job to sell the retouching job that you did!  It is common for the best editors to get less work because they do not do a good job explaining and convincing us of their choices.




It will be challenging to effectively communicate all changes you have made to a photo.  Therefore, you are suggested to prepare in advance. 


Here are some possible ideas to help with your presentation:


  • Place your before and after photos on different layers inside a single PSD file.  This will allow for easy flipping back and forth to emphasize the alterations that you made.

  • Create side-by-side before and after images to show them at once.

  • Create a visual listing of changes you’ve made on a separate layer.  The listing can point to the locations where those changes were done (see below).





Here are things that you should consider including in your presentation:

  • Briefly mention who is in the photo (if you know).
  • Mention where you got the photo.
  • Explain why you chose the original photo.
  • Explain how you altered the photo and the techniques you used.
  • Is the final product as good as you hoped?  Would you change anything?