Your portfolio will contain 4 to 6 manipulated photos.  Retouched photos should be of people, objects or scenery.  You can have a maximum of 1 object photo and one scenery photo – so most or all of your work will be on people.  Please note that it is not necessary to include an object or a scenery photo.

You are encouraged to have the following photos covered:

  • At least one full-body
  • At least one face
  • At least one male
  • At least one female




You are welcome to choose any retouching strategy that you wish.  The primary goal is to demonstrate your photo manipulation skills.  However, remember that manipulations are supposed to positively enhance your image and you will be evaluated on your decision making skills.




While CGW does believe that it is possible to take retouching too far, extreme retouching will be allowed for the portfolio as it may allow you to showcase more skills and techniques at once.  At the same time, you must show good decision making skills.




Original photos must be kept in order to demonstrate your work.

Original photos should be large!  They should in the very least fill the screen without showing any pixilation.  The bigger the better.  An image that is less than 1000px by 1000px is likely too small.


Original photos can be photos that you have taken, that you have at home or photos that you find online. 


Finding unretouched photos online is possible but may take some time.  You are encouraged to spend a few hours at evening finding all your originals.

If you are using photos of your own models (friends), then please discuss this with our CEO Patrick “Wildstyle” Campeau as “delicate” situations may arise.