Every image is a rectangular arrangement of tiny dots called pixels.  Some image may seem to be a different shape but in reality, they are rectangular with some border pixels being transparent.




Here is an example of an image that seems to be circular.  However, this is simply because the outside part of the image is either transparent or matches the background.




Each dot in an image is a pixel.  Each pixel has a specific color.  The more pixels in your image, the larger it will be.  This means it will be of better quality but also a larger file size.




A raster image is simply an image that has a color associated with each pixel.  A vector image is an image that is stored in terms of shapes (such as lines, dots, triangles, ellipses, …). 




  • Common and well known image types including BMP, JPG, GIF & PNG.
  • Supported by web browsers (except the BMP format)
  • Stores any complexity of image.
  • Easily created.  Cameras and scanners capture and store raster images.
  • Resizing leads to a drop in quality as the computer has to “guess” on which pixel colours go where.
  • Used anywhere as long as resizing is not a major issue.
  • Less known.  Several image types exist including SVG, AI and VML.
  • Just starting to be supported by browsers.
  • Best for simple images.
  • More difficult to create.  Must be drawn in a special program.
  • Resizing does not affect quality as the image is redrawn at any size based on its objects.
  • Mostly used in logo design and other graphics design areas.





The image on the right (from Wikipedia) shows the difference between a vector graphic and a raster graphic (bitmap) when one resizes the image.


As you can see, the vector graphic is far superior and required for company logos to keep the desired professional look.



Our focus will be on raster images for now because they are so common.




We have already seen that an image is rectangular.  Therefore, it has a width and a height which are both measure in pixels.  We can calculate the total number of pixels in an image by:


Total pixels = width x height


So, cameras that are 12 megapixels store about 12 million different little dots for each picture they take!




The more pixels that are in an image, the larger the image file will be.  For web pages, this is an issue because large images take time to transfer.  In fact, for users that have slow internet connections, large images can slow the displaying of a website down considerably.


Therefore, it is a good idea to reduce an image’s size.  To do this, you have to open the image in a graphic editor such as Paint, Paint.NET or Photoshop, resize it and save it.  Changing the image’s width or height in html does not reduce the image’s file size!




We will learn more about image formats in the Graphics Unit.  However, it is important to understand that each format is a different way to store an image.  A format is like a language.  If the user or program doesn’t understand that language, the image cannot be displayed or seen.




One can tell the format of an image by checking its file extension.  It will be usually either JPG, BMP, GIF or PNG.


It does happen that this extension is incorrect (rarely).  We will see how to check this later.




The easiest way to convert to an image to a different format is to:


1 – Open the image in Paint.

2 – Go File > Save As

3 – At the bottom near the filename, pick the format you want in the drop down menu.




Do not ever simply rename the file with a new file extension and hope that will work.  It will cause problems in a web browser (even if everything in Windows seems fine).




It is fairly common that an image that has an extension is actually stored as a different type.  For example, you might have an image that is called flower.jpg.  However, it’s in fact a bmp file. 


This causes a problem because Windows is able to deal with this issue and simply displays the image without pointing out the problem.  However, your web browser is not as smart.  It cannot deal with this problem and will not display your image.


So, if you need to check to make sure your image’s file extension matches it’s type, you can do the following:


1 – Make a mental note of the image’s file extension.

2 – Open the image in Paint.

3 – Go File > Save As

4 – If the File Type at the bottom does not match the file extension, then this is a problem!