Note: While the content in these lessons serves as a reference to the student, students should note that it is difficult to understand if you haven’t taken part in the in-class demos. 




HTML stands for HyperText Mark-up Language.  It is a language that specifies how to display objects (text, images, graphics, tables, ...) on the screen. 


HTML is very important because it can be understood by all computers.  So even if two computers are different (such as a MAC and PC), they can both still use HTML because they both understand it.




An html document is really just a text document with a different extension.  This extension lets your computer know that it should open the file with your internet browser. 


Note that both html and htm extensions are the same. 




HTML is simply text that makes use of tags to specify how to display things on the screen.  Tags always start with a < symbol and end with a > symbol.


For example, here are a three different tags:




<font color=”blue”>


Many tags that affect a certain section of your text have an opening and a closing version.  The closing version simply have a / symbol after the < symbol. 


For example, the <b> tag bolds text.  Below, the word Campeau would be bolded because it appears between the opening and closing <b> tags.


Mr. <b>Campeau</b> is the best.




Some, or even most, tags allow you to specify attribute values inside them.  You can even specify multiple attribute values in one tag.  To do this, you must first know the name of the attribute.  Then you simply add its name and an equal symbol followed by the value that you desire.


For example, the img tag (image tag) has the following attributes: src, height, width, border.  So, you can use the tag in any of the following ways:


<img src=filename height=200 border=3>

<img src=filename>

<img src=filename border=2 width=400>


You sometime need to put attribute values in double quotes.  In fact, Mr.Campeau prefers always putting the quotes.  Here is an example:


<img src=”filename” border=”2”>




The following sequence of tags is common in all simple html documents:



<head><title>This appears in the blue section at the top.</title>








There is only one <body> and one </body> tag.  You should never add more.  You can only make changes to that one tag.