Image formats – Software – Files


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Note: At this time, we are not including the webp image format.  If it continues to establish itself as a primary format, it will be included in the future.





1-The following raster image format is lossy:

a)      JPG

b)     PNG

c)      BMP

d)     PSD

e)     ABC

2-The following raster image format is now more popular for storing short animations than it is for storing images:

a)      JPG

b)     PNG

c)      GIF

d)     BMP

e)     DEF

3-The following raster image format slightly alters the image in order to compress its file size down considerably:

a)      JPG

b)     PNG

c)      BMP

d)     SVG

e)     HIJ

4-The JPG image format is pronounced:

a)      “J” “P” “G”

b)     jay-peg

c)      jip-pig

d)     jip-piggy

e)     both a) and b) are accepted

f)       both c) and d) are accepted

5-The image format that uses no compression whatsoever is the

a)      BMP

b)     JPG

c)      GIF

d)     PNG

e)     BIG

6-The ______ image format creates such large files that it should never be used anymore. 

a)      BMP

b)     JPG

c)      GIF

d)     PDN

e)     OLD


7-When in doubt, it is always safe to save an image in the following format:

a)      JPG

b)     GIF

c)      PNG

d)     WAV

8-Cameras and cell phones tend to store photos as

a)      BMP

b)     JPG

c)      GIF

d)     PNG

9-Which of the following formats are lossless?

a)      BMP

b)     PNG

c)      JPG

d)     Both a) and b)

e)     Both b) and c)


10-An image format that doesn’t lose any information when storing an image is said to be

a)      lossless

b)     lossy

c)      holy

d)     hole-less

e)     a non-loser

11-An image format that alters image information when storing an image is said to be

a)      lossless

b)     lossy

c)      holy

d)     hole-less

e)     a loser

12-The primary reason that we have different image formats is to

a)      compress images file sizes

b)     organize images

c)      offer different flavours of images

d)     annoy students

13-To convert an image from one image format to another, we can

a)      simply rename the file

b)     open the file in an editor and save it with a different name and format type

c)      search google for the desired image in the correct image format

d)     close our eyes and wish for it to happen


14-Raster images are always a(n) _____________ shape.

a)      circular

b)     elliptical

c)      irregular

d)     cylindrical

e)     rectangular


15-The tiny dots or squares that makeup images are called

a)      pinpoints

b)     data point

c)      pixels

d)     dots

e)     DPI

f)       Pepperoni

16-An image that contains one million pixels can be described as

a)      An image that contains half of 500 000 pixels

b)     A square image that is 1 million pixels in width and 1 million pixels in height

c)      An image that contains one megapixel

d)     An image that is about 200 pixels by 500 pixels.

e)     None of the above

17-An image that is 3000 pixels wide and 4000 pixels high is about

a)      12 megapixels in size

b)     12,000,000 megapixels in size

c)      7 megapixels in size

d)     7,000,000 megapixels in size

e)     1000 megapixels in size

18-The process of using software to convert a vector image into a raster image is called

a)      Vectorizing

b)     Lining

c)      Precisionning

d)     Rasterizing

e)     Having fun

19-The process using software to convert a raster image into a vector image is called

a)      Vectorizing

b)     Lining

c)      Precisionning

d)     Rasterizing

e)     Having fun

20-When printing raster images for professional use, we should use at least

a)      12 DPI

b)     72 DPI

c)      150 DPI

d)     200 DPI

e)     300 DPI

21-When using an image for the web, we use the following PPI value:

a)      12

b)     72

c)      150

d)     200

e)     300

22-Which of the following are raster image editors?

a)      Paint.net

b)     Pixlr

c)      Photoshop

d)     GIMP

e)     All of the above


23-Which of the following are ways that we can create raster images?

a)      Camera

b)     Scanner

c)      creating one in a graphic editor

d)     all of the above


24-Which of the following image size corresponds best to a 4.3 megapixel image?

a)      1200 x 800

b)     2400 x 800

c)      2400 x 1200

d)     2400 x 1800

e)     2400 x 2400

25-Which of the following statements is true?

a)      We can resize raster images without impacting the quality of the image.

b)     A vector image becomes pixelated when we zoom in.

c)      A raster image is ideal for logos.

d)     Some raster image formats are supported on the internet (by web browsers).

e)     All vector image formats are supported on the internet (by web browsers).

26-On computers, file sizes are measured in

a)      Kilograms

b)     Bytes

c)      Rams

d)     Sheets

e)     Inches

27-In graphic design, what does DPI stand for?

a)      Digital Print Interaction

b)     Dots Per Inch

c)      Digital Preset Interaction

d)     Dots Per Increment

e)     Don’t Push It


28-In graphic design, what does PPI stand for?

a)      Power Preset Interaction

b)     Payment Protection Insurance

c)      Pixels Per Inch

d)     Photoshop Payment Initiative


29-The photo editing software that is considered to be industry standard is:

a)      Paint.net

b)     GIMP

c)      Pixlr

d)     Photoshop

e)     Hotdog

30-Which of the following is true?

a)      Photoshop has more functionality than Paint.net, Pixlr and GIMP and is free.

b)     Paint.net, Pixlr & GIMP have more functionality than Photoshop and are less expensive.

c)      Paint.net, Pixlr & GIMP are free but have less functionality than Photoshop.


31-The company that creates Photoshop is


a)      Dreamweaver

b)     Microsoft

c)      Apple

d)     Adobe

e)     Google

f)       Blizzard


32-GIMP is available for


a)      PC

b)     Mac

c)      Linux

d)     All of the above