You will create a project related to Communications Technology using the knowledge that you have acquired in our course.


Your project:

  • is worth 30% of your overall mark;
  • must be of an appropriate complexity;
  • must reflect the total project time provided in class;
  • must be worked on daily in class;
  • must be demonstrated regularly to your teacher as you progress;
  • must be approved by your teacher before you start.





  • You can work on your project at home.  You cannot work on it only at home.  Do not pick a project if you cannot work on it at school.

  • You can use online resources to help construct your project.  You cannot follow a tutorial/guide to create the majority of your project.  You must declare any used resources.

  • You can use something we've done in class as the basis for your project.  You cannot simply redo something that you've already done (in any class).

  • You can potentially combine your project with another course's project if you have pre-approval from both teachers.  You cannot surprise your teacher with a last minute dual submission.

  • You can change your project if your initial idea is proving to be too difficult.  You cannot change your mind at the last minute and submit something that wasn't approved.  Remember that your teacher needs to see you work on your project.





For most projects, each of the following areas will be worth at least 10% of your mark.  Some projects may require that the rubric be altered a little bit.  However, this should serve as a strong guide for you.


Class Work (20)

  • Student works on his/her project every day in class.
  • Student is on-task at all times.
  • Student doesn’t need reminders to do his/her work.
  • Student is able to solve most of his/her own problems.

Progress Reporting (20)

  • Project proposal was submitted on time.
  • Student regularly updates the teacher in regards to the progress of the project.
  • Student does not suddenly arrive with massive advancements on the project that weren't there since the last update.

Project Complexity (20)

  • The project’s complexity reflects the skills developed in class.
  • The project’s complexity and size reflects the time provided in class.

Project Quality (20)

  • The work quality reflects the skills developed in class.
  • The work quality reflects the time provided in class.


Project Presentation (20)

  • Student presents project to teacher (discussion style) or to class. 
  • Student is prepared and organized for presentation.
  • Student displays good presentation skills.