You will create a circuit that will add up two bits together.  This is a famous circuit called a half adder.




 We want a circuit that will do the following additions:


               0 + 0 = 00

               0 + 1 = 01

               1 + 0 = 01

               1 + 1 = 10


So we want the two numbers in the addition to be inputs (A and B).  And, we want the answer, which is two bits, to be two outputs.


Traditionally, the outputs are labelled C and S (for Carry and Sum).  So we have A + B = CS.


This gives us the following truth table with two outputs C and S:


               A          B          C          S         

               0          0          0          0

               0          1          0          1

               1          0          0          1

               1          1          1          0


When we have two outputs, we can express the truth tables separately.  This gives us two truth tables, one for output C:


               A          B          C

               0          0          0

               0          1          0

               1          0          0

               1          1          1


And another truth table for output S:


               A          B          S

               0          0          0

               0          1          1

               1          0          1

               1          1          0


Now that we have truth tables for each output, we simply have to figure out which gate(s) to use.


For the truth table for output C, you should be able to identify that it is the truth table of an AND gate.


For the truth table for output S, you should be able to identify that it is the truth table of an XOR gate.


Therefore, a half adder is created using an XOR gate and an AND gate.  Below is the logic diagram and a block diagram for a half adder.



So, addition in computers is done using logic!  Pretty cool!




Create a half adder circuit (seen above).  It requires two light bulbs and you should place the C light to the left of the S light so that it is natural to read the combined output.

Test all input values to make sure that your circuit is in fact adding up the two bits.

Remember to label your inputs and your outputs.  Square your wires.  Be neat!




One screen capture of your circuit.