You should have looked at all lessons up to and including Lesson 8 before starting this project.




In this project, you will make use of analogWrite(), if statements and randomness to create a light show consisting of 4 LEDs.  The LEDs will fade up and down going from 0 to 255 to 0 continuously.  However, the LEDs will also be given random values to start at and a random direction (going up or going down).  So each time you watch your light show, it will be different.




Here is the pseudocode:


1-Create global variables representing the pin number used for each LED.  Remember that you need to use pins that can do Pulse Width Modulation.


2-Create global variables representing the voltageNumber for each LED.

3-Create global variables that keep track if an LED is fading in or out.  This can be an integer that is either -1 or 1 or some other way.




1-Set all of the required pins as OUTPUT pins.

2-Give each of the voltageNumber variables a random number between 0 and 255.


3-Give each of the direction variables a random value that states whether you are fading in or out.




1-Repeat the following for each LED


A-Update voltageNumber (increase or decrease it by 1).

B-Use analogWrite to update the LED’s brightness.

C-If voltageNumber has reached 0 or 255, the direction variable needs to change so that we switch directions next time.


2-At the very end, add a short delay so that we can see the fading happen. Use whatever you think works best.





Create the fading light show circuit described above.  Show it to Mr. Campeau.