TEJ 3M / 4M






Your culminating activity in Computer Engineering Tech is to create a project that demonstrates your knowledge, skills and abilities relating to the course content.  It will also be an opportunity for you to demonstrate your problem solving skills as well as your communication skills.  This project should serve as a good opportunity to further understand the career of a computer engineer or a similar field (such as electronics, mechatronics, software development, …).


Your project:

  • is worth 30% of your overall mark;
  • must be of an appropriate complexity;
  • must reflect the total project time provided in class;
  • must be worked on daily in class;
  • must be demonstrated regularly to your teacher as you progress;
  • must be approved by your teacher before you start.




STEP 1:  Choose a topic for your project and get it approved by your teacher.


STEP 2:  Plan, create and troubleshoot your project(s).  This will take most of the time given in class.  You will create your journal at this time.


STEP 3:  Plan and create your project summary document or your summary video.


STEP 4:  Submit proper documentation (journal and summary document or video) to your teacher.

STEP 5:  Present your project to your teacher.




See the Schedule page.





          See the Options page.





This document should include a short daily entry of what you did each day in class.  You are encouraged to add photos that demonstrate your progress.  You may include entries for times that you are working at home on your project.





The goal of your write-up is to summarize what you have achieved or attempted to achieve in your project.  It does not need to be a long document.  It should include photos of your project if possible.

Your write-up should include most of the following headings but you are also welcome to follow your own approach if you prefer.


  • Description – Describe your project and how you did it.
  • Technology & Guides used – List the technology / tools / tutorials / websites that you used.
  • Successes & Challenges – What went well? What are you proud of?  What challenges did you encounter?
  • What did you learn?  - Simply discuss what you learned while doing the project.
  • Files – Include all code.  Include photos of your project if applicable.





You will create a 1 to 2-minute video about your project.  You will convey the information on the same topics as you would in a Project Summary.





I have completed the following:


ð       I have worked on my project daily in class.


ð       I have presented my project to my teacher.


ð       I have handed-in my submission package which includes:


ð       My physical project

ð       Any source code required for the project

ð       Summary document or Summary video (or both)

ð       Daily journal




  • You may work on your project at home.  You may not work on it only at home.

  • You may use online resources to help construct your project.  You may not follow a tutorial/guide to create the majority of your project.  You must declare any used resources in the accompanying document when you submit your code.  You must also mention this during your presentation.

  • You may get help from friends and your teacher.  You may not get them to do most of the work for you.  You must demonstrate some independence.  You will be expected to be able to explain your code.

  • You may use something we've done in class as the basis for your project.  You may not simply redo something that you've already done (in any class).

  • You may potentially combine your project with another course's project if you have pre-approval from both teachers.  You may not surprise your teacher with a last minute dual submission.

  • You may change your project if your initial idea is proving to be too difficult.  You may not change your mind at the last minute and submit something that wasn't approved.  Remember that your teacher needs to see you work on your project.