1.      A _______________ generally consists of many shots.  It usually refers to all of the filming that occurs in one location.

2.      A _______________ is what a video camera captures from the time the “record” button is hit until recording is stopped.

3.      The action/art of creatively combining shots to form a scene and then combining scenes to create complete videos is called ________________.

4.      The ______________ is the document that contains a brief description of your video and the related working conditions (worker names, required equipment,…)

5.      The ______________ is the document that contains a detailed description of the video along with all of the lines that will be said by the actors.

6.      The ______________ is the document that contains images representing each shot in a video.

7.      _______________ file formats are not good for sharing the video with others because they do not include all of the footage inside them.  So, multiple files would have to be shared.

8.      A project file (and all footage) should be converted to a _______________ file format before being shared (or submitted to your teacher.

9.      Converting from project file to video file is called ______________ (although some programs simply call it “exporting”).

10.   Common video file formats include: _____, _____, ______, ______, and ______.

11.   Commonly known video editing software include:

·        ____________________________________

·        ____________________________________

·        ____________________________________

·        ____________________________________.

12.   An _______________ shot is usually the first of a scene.  It serves to let the viewer know where the scene is located.

13.   List the six types of shots (distance):

·         _________________

·         _________________

·        _________________

·        __________________

·        __________________

·        __________________

14.   A(n) ______________________ shot is often used for an establishing shot.  Because the camera is so far away from the target, the viewer can see a large area of the scene.

15.   A shot where you see only the eyes of an individual would be a _____________________________ shot.

16.   A shot where you see only the face of an individual is a ____________________________ shot.

17.   A shot where you see the full body of an individual is a ___________________________ shot.

18.   A _____________ angle shot is when the camera is shooting from below the subject.

19.   A _____________ angle shot is when the camera is shooting from above the subject.

20.   A _____________ angle shot is when the camera is placed at about eye-level.

21.   Subjects shot from a ______________ angle appear small and weak.

22.   Subjects shot from a ______________ angle appear larger and powerful.

23.   ______________ is when the camera remains in a fixed location but is turned left and right.

24.   ______________ is when the camera remains in a fixed location but is turned up and down.

25.   A _____________ shot is when the camera does not move at all.  Most shots in a video are of this type.

26.   A _____________ shot is when the camera is moved towards or away from the subject.

27.   A _____________ shot is when the camera is moved vertically up or down.

28.   A _____________ shot is when the camera is moved to the left or right of a subject.

29.   Audio content is usually stored in a _________ or a _______ file.  Of course, audio content can also be stored inside of a video file.

30.   TPL stands for ____________________ __________________ __________________.

31.   The lights in TPL are the _____________ light, the ____________ light and the _____________ light.

32.   Draw a top down image of the three point lighting system.  Label each light in the system.

33.   A gigabyte is equal to ______________ bytes.

34.   A gigabyte is equal to _______________ megabytes.

35.   A megabyte is equal to _____________ bytes.

36.   A gigabyte is equal to ______________ bits.

37.   One byte is equal to ____________ bits.

38.   Eight bytes is equal to ___________ bits.

39.   _____________ is the language of zeros and ones that computers understand


1.      How many shots are in the following clip #1

2.      How many scenes are in the following clip #2

3.      Describe the camera angle in the video clip #3

4.      Describe the shot type (distance) in video clip #4