Part 1 – Introductory Video

Watch the following video:




If time permits, try watching a few other videos related to storyboarding.


Part 2 – Commercials


In the Resources section of this unit, you will find a section called Commercials that contains links to different television commercials.


For five of the commercials, answer the following questions:


a)    How long (in seconds is it)

b)    How many shots does it consist of?

c)     What is the duration of the shortest shot and of the longest shot?

d)    What is the average length per shot?


Part 3 – Storyboarding


You will choose one of the commercials and create a complete storyboard for it.  Your storyboard should include an image for every single shot in the commercial.  For each image, you should have a brief description of what is happening in the shot.  You should also include any necessary information about camera movement during the shot.


Note that there are Storyboard templates in the Resources section of this unit.


Alternate option


You could instead storyboard a short part of a famous movie.  Get the movie approved first.