The process of creating a video can be broken down into three equally important steps:


1 – Planning


2 – Shooting


3 – Editing


In this lesson, we will focus on the planning process.  Before beginning, we will look at some basic terminology required to explain the process.




A scene is generally considered to be a location where part of a video will be filmed. 


A shot is from the point at which you hit “record” on the video camera to the point you hit “stop” (or “pause”).


A scene usually consists of many shots combined together.  The decision of how to combine different shots together is called composition.


While some composition decisions can be done during editing, most decisions must be made during the planning process so that you know how to shoot different scenes.




It is important to realize that the planning process is extremely important to the final product.  It will allow you to problem solve and come up with original ideas for the shooting process.  Do not underestimate the importance of proper planning.


The planning process can involve three steps:


1 – The proposal


2 – A script


3 – A storyboard


It should be noted that all three steps almost always include many revisions.




The proposal is simply a short description of the video and working conditions.  It includes a list of workers, their roles and equipment required for the project.




In its roughest form, the script is a draft of the story or events that will take place.  It gradually evolves to include the lines of each character (actor).




It includes still images for each scene (and at times shot) that is in a video

