Exploding Planet

Found by: Andrew Nunn

Source: http://imgry.com/exploding_planet/step-1.html

This tutorial has not been verified by Mr. Campeau. Therefore, I cannot guarantee there will not be difficulties.


Step 1 - Elliptical Marquee
Although you can choose any size in this tutorial I will be working with a 400x400px canvas.

Once you have opened a new file with your preferred size and filled it with black, go to the tools window and pick "Elliptical Marque Tool" and select a part in the middle of the canvas.

(Note: remember for now to keep it all on one layer)


Step 2 - Patter Filling
Right click and go to "Fill" and use the settings in the image above.

The Custom Patter is "Stone Marble" and you can get it by loading the "Rock Patterns" which are in the Presets.

After you have finished with the fill still keep the Marquee tool on.

Go to Filter > Distort > Spherize and put the amount to 100%.




Step 3 - Sharpen
Now go to
Filter > Sharpen > Sharpen
and you should have something that looks like the image above.


Step 4 - Polar Coordinates
Now go to
Filters > Distort > Polar Coordinates
and set it to Polar to Rectangular and click OK.



Step 5 - Wind Stylize
Go to
Image > Rotate Canvas > 90
° CW

Next, go to
FIlter > Stylize > Wind
and use the following settings:
* Method - Stagger
* Direction - From the Right

Click OK and press
to repeat the same filter, do this twice.

Now go to
Image > Rotate Canvas > 90
° CCW.

You should now have something like the image above.


Step 6 - Polar Coordinates Again
Now go to
Filter > Distort > Polar Coordinates
and set it to Rectangular to Polar.



Step 7 - Colorizing
Now make a copy of the background you have now.

Highlight the bottom layer and go to
Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturations

Check the box next to
and use the following settings:
* Hue: 0
* Saturation: 100
* Lightness: 0

Once you've done this hold
and put the Opacity on 50%.

Now highlight the top layer and press
to bring up the Hue/Saturations box.

Check the box next to
and use these settings:
* Hue: 60
* Saturation: 50
* Lightness: 0

Now put the top layer on the mode

Your layers window should look something like the image above.









Step 8 - Orange Planet
Now hold
to merge the two layers.

Your image should look something like the image above now.







Step 9 - Duplicates
Now make 3 copies of the image you have now and on each of the three apply
Filter > Distort > Wave
and remember to press Randomize for each of them to get different results each time.

Now put those three layers on the mode
and put their Opacity on 20%.

Your layers window should look something like this now.



Step 10 - Merge Planet
hold down
Shift + Ctrl + E
to merge the four layers.



Step 11 - Blurring
Nearly finished now...we just need to add a slight glow to it.

Make two copies of the pictures.

To the middle one you should apply
Filter > Sharpen > Sharpen
and set the layer mode to Lighten.

To the top one apply
Filter > Blur > Gaussian BLur
with a radius of 2.5px and set the layer mode to Lighten.

Your layers should look like this now.



Step 12 - The Finish Line
Now all we need to do to finish this up is merge the three layers.

Shift + Ctrl + E
to merge the layers.

You should now have a final product that looks like the photo below!
