Tutorial 1 – MP3 Player



Note: This tutorial was created for PS Elements 1.  It might need to be changed slightly to work in PS Elements 5.



Create your own MP3 Player!


Create a new Document (File > New).  Name the file mp3 player and make the dimesions as shown below.  Make sure the contents are transparent (that is the background that you start with).  Choose OK.



We are going to start with a black background.  To do this, choose Edit > Fill.



From the Fill Options screen, choose black from the use: drop down list and choose OK.



We are going to be using layers.  Layers are like layers on a cake-they get stacked one on top of another.  Whatever is at the top is seen before the layers below.


To create a new layer, click the new layer icon on the layers pallete.



We are now going to create a rounded rectangle.  To do so, click and hold the custom shape tool (looks like a heart) on the toolbar until you get the rest of the list.  Choose the rounded rectangle tool.



Once you have chosen the rounded rectangle tool, you will notice different options just below the menu bar (at the top).  Change the radius of the rounded edges of the rectangle to 8 px (pixels).



Open the Info panel (Window > Info).  This way you will be able to see the size of the object you are drawing.



On the toolbar, click the foreground colour and change it to a dark grey.  Change the background colour to black.




On your workspace, click and drag the rounded rectangle tool from top-left to bottom right.  You want to make a rectangle that is 300 in width and 450 in height.



NOTE:  If you receive smaller numbers than this for the width and height, you can change the ruler units of measurement under edit > preferences.  Go to units and rulers and change the rulers to pixels.


Once you have created your rectangle, right click on the layer that contains the rectangle and choose simplify layer.  This will give you the ability to edit the rectangle .



Next, press ctrl on your keyboard and click on the image of the rectangle in the layers palette.  You will notice a dashed line around your rectangle.  This means that any editing you do will only be contained in the rectangle.



Choose the gradient tool from the toolbar.  Check to make sure that you have a dark grey in the foreground and a black in the background.



Take the mouse, click and drag from the left-center of the rectangle to the middle.  You will notice that the rectangle will now have a gradient comprised of the two colours you chose.




Press ctrl+d to get rid of the dashed line around the rectangle.


Choose the layer Styles tab from the layers palette.  From the drop down list, choose Bevels and choose the Simple Inner Bevel.



Change from Bevels to Inner Glows in the layer styles palette.



Choose the Simple inner glow from the list.



Next, choose the elliptical tool from the custom shapes tools in the toolbar.



Draw a circle within the rectangle.  Use the shift key to keep the circle uniform.  Make the circle approx 125 x 125.  Notice that the circle is created on a separate layer automatically.


Center the circle in the middle of the rectangle, but down from the center.  Make the circle centered between the left and right sides, but put it in the bottom half of the rectangle.



Simplify the layer by right-clicking on the layer and choosing simplify layer.



From the layer styles choose ‘Simple Sharp Pillow Emboss’.



You can edit the style put on the layer by choosing the small “f” on the right hand side of the layer.  Double click the symbol to edit the layer style.



Increase the Bevel Size to 10 px and choose OK.



Create a new Layer.



Choose the Polygon tool from the custom shapes toolbar.



On the options toolbar (under the menu toolbar), change the number of sides to 3.



Also, click the down arrow beside the sides options and select smooth corners.



Create a triangle as below.  Create the triangle approx 50 x 50 pixels.



Use the arrow tool to move the triangle into position on the left hand side of the circle.



If you wish to change the rotation of the triangle, you can use Image > Tranform > Free Transform, or press ctrl+t.  This tool allows you to rotate and resize the object.




Once you have the triangle in the position you want, right click the layer and simplify layer.  This is also called rasterizing the layer.



From the layer styles choose ‘Simple Sharp Pillow Emboss’.




Following the last few steps, create another triangle on the opposite side of the circle.  Position it so it is aligned with the triangle on the left.  Add the layer style to the triangle.  You want it to look something like below.



Once you have finished with the triangles, choose the text tool from the toolbar.



From the additional options, choose the Webdings font, change the size to 24, and choose a bright blue colour as the font colour.



Over the left triangle you have created, type the number 8.  You will notice the double triangles that appear.  Choose the checkmark to confirm the type.



Simplify the layer.



You can rotate the object by using the free transform tool.  Rotate the triangles so they face left.



Use the layer style ‘Simple Pillow Emboss’.



The triangles should look something like below.



Repeat the last few steps to create the double triangle on the right side of the mp3 player.  Have them face right.


Using the text tool and the webdings font at 72 pixels, type the number 4 on the center circle.  Use the simple Pillow bevel (as above) to create the same effect as the last two buttons.



Once you have completed the triangles, choose the rounded rectangle tool from the toolbar.



Create a rectangle in the upper half of the large rectangle you have been working with.  Make sure the colour of the rectangle is black.  The rectangle I created is 240 x 200.



Choose the layer style ‘Simple Sharp Pillow Emboss’.



Next press ctrl and click on the image of the rectangle in the layers palette.



From the menu bar, choose select > modify > contract to ‘shrink’ the marquee area you have created (the dashed area).



Contract the rectangle by 8 pixels and choose OK.



With that area highlighted, add a wallpaper or image that you wish to put into the screen.


I have used a filter called clouds and lens flare from the render group of filters to finish the effect of the screen.



Here is my MP3 player.  You can modify your mp3 player as you wish.