Using Inkscape, you will create a graphic design product (primary logo, poster, secondary logo, t-shirt graphic, …) for a club or group at Lockerby.




VIKEWEAR - You might consider creating a new vikewear design.  You can approach a teacher responsible for vikewear and ask if there is a specific idea that the school would like to develop.  Or perhaps you simply want to create your own idea.  Your efforts could include an image for the front of the clothing and perhaps a secondary image that would appear


NEWSLETTER GRAPHIC AD – The Newsletter is an important source of information for our parents and students.  It can always use new graphics to fill out some pages where gaps need to be filled.  You can create an ad-like graphic advertising one of our programs.  You can even create a few of these ads. 


A simple example might be the program along with a catchy line.


Lockerby STEP
Step into your future


Of course, you need to consider how to make the above look good.  Consider different fonts or your own typography.  Consider adding some symbolism.


LOGO DESIGN – We use logos everywhere.  Official communications.  Our website.  Social media.  On our walls.  In our Newsletter.  You can consider creating a new primary logo for Lockerby or for one of its clubs or programs. 


Programs: Lockerby STEP, Lockerby STEP Laptop, Lockerby AP, Lockerby French Immersion, Lockerby ICT SHSM, Lockerby Mining SHSM, Lockerby Health & Wellness SHSM


Athletics: Lockerby athletics, any sport team…


Clubs: D&D, GSA, Magic The Gathering, Robotics, Singing, …


Instead of create a primary logo, you might want to create an alternate logo for a club that already has one.  For example, Mr. C. would love a few different Lockerby ICT logos for use on future t-shirts.


MORNING ANNOUNCEMENT GRAPHICS – Perhaps there is a need for a graphic design for the morning announcements.  A Lockerby Athletics graphics might be nice for when sports news is being shared.  Or perhaps a specific Viking cake for the birthdays time?


POSTER – A club or team might want to make posters to advertise an event.  Your poster could be for print but might also be designed to be displayed on the TV outside room 101.


WEBSITE GRAPHICS - Examine the school’s website.  There are many areas where graphics are used.  Do you have a new idea for a design?







Get your project idea approved.  This step is simply to make sure that the complexity of your project is adequate.




You must speak to a person with expert knowledge about the group/club/program.  This can be a friend, a teacher or another student.  You must ask questions about the group in order to be as informed as possible.




List out different ideas or use a bubble diagram to organize all ideas.




You should sketch partial or complete ideas.  Take photos of your sketches for submission.




Create your product. 




Critique your own product.  Consider going back to alter it.  Would you change anything if you had to restart?




Inside a presentation software (Google Slides), include at least one slide for each of the steps above.  Be sure to include an image of your final product.