Was something forgotten on this review?  Perhaps a topic is not covered?  Mr. Campeau will give you a bonus mark for every topic that you propose that is added to this content.  (Max of 2 bonus points.  Bonus points can only bring up within 0.5 from a max score.)





1-The following raster image format is lossy:

a)      JPG

b)     PNG

c)      BMP

d)     PSD

e)     ABC

2-The following raster image format is now more popular for storing short animations than it is for storing images:

a)      JPG

b)     PNG

c)      GIF

d)     BMP

e)     DEF

3-When in doubt, it is always safe to save a raster image in the following format:

a)      JPG

b)     GIF

c)      PNG

d)     WAV

4-Cameras and cell phones tend to store photos as

a)      BMP

b)     JPG

c)      GIF

d)     PNG


5-An image format that doesn’t lose any information when storing an image is said to be

a)      lossless

b)     lossy

c)      holy

d)     hole-less

e)     a non-loser

6-An image format that alters image information when storing an image is said to be

a)      lossless

b)     lossy

c)      holy

d)     hole-less

e)     a loser


7-The tiny dots or squares that makeup images are called

a)      pinpoints

b)     data point

c)      pixels

d)     dots

e)     DPI

f)       Pepperoni


8-An image that contains one million pixels can be described as

a)      An image that contains half of 500 000 pixels

b)     A square image that is 1 million pixels in width and 1 million pixels in height

c)      An image that contains one megapixel

d)     An image that is about 200 pixels by 500 pixels.

e)     None of the above


9-An image that is 3000 pixels wide and 4000 pixels high is about

a)      12 megapixels in size

b)     12,000,000 megapixels in size

c)      7 megapixels in size

d)     7,000,000 megapixels in size

e)     1000 megapixels in size

10-Which of the following are raster image editors?

a)      Paint.net

b)     Pixlr

c)      Photoshop

d)     GIMP

e)     All of the above




11-Photos taken with a camera are

a)      Raster images

b)     Vector images

c)      Computer images

d)     Print images

e)     Lossless images


12-Images stored based on mathematical shapes such as lines, rectangles and ellipses are

f)       Raster images

g)      Mathematical images

h)     Vector images


13-The process of using software to convert a vector image into a raster image is called

a)      Vectorizing

b)     Lining

c)      Precisionning

d)     Rasterizing

e)     Having fun

14-The process using software to convert a raster image into a vector image is called

a)      Vectorizing

b)     Lining

c)      Precisionning

d)     Rasterizing

e)     Having fun

15-Which of the following statements is true?

a)      We can resize raster images without impacting the quality of the image.

b)     A vector image becomes pixelated when we zoom in.

c)      A raster image is ideal for logos.

d)     Some raster image formats are supported on the internet (by web browsers).

e)     All vector image formats are supported on the internet (by web browsers).


16-Vector images can be resized without losing quality.

a)      True

b)     False


17-Raster images can be resized without losing quality.

a)      True

b)     False




18-The _____________ graphic design element refers to the feel of an object.

a)      Line

b)     Shape

c)      Space

d)     Texture

e)     Colour


19-The _____________ graphic design element refers to the amount (and type) of light reflected by objects.

a)      Line

b)     Shape

c)      Space

d)     Texture

e)     Colour


20-The _____________ graphic design elements refers any continuous mark made by a moving point.

f)       Line

g)      Shape

h)     Space

i)       Texture

j)       Colour


21-The _____________ graphic design element refers to the area around, between and within objects.

k)      Line

l)       Shape

m)    Space

n)     Texture

o)     Colour


22-The _____________ graphic design element can be either geometric or organic.

p)     Line

q)     Shape

r)      Space

s)      Texture

t)      Colour


23-The _____________ graphic design principle refers to the differences between different elements in the design.  For example, the colour black is similar to a dark grey but very different to the colour white.


a)      Balance

b)     Contrast

c)      Emphasis

d)     Movement

e)     Proportion

f)       Rhythm


24-The _____________ graphic design principle refers to repetition of similar elements of design.  It establishes a type of consistency in a design.


a)      Balance

b)     Contrast

c)      Emphasis

d)     Movement

e)     Proportion

f)       Rhythm


25-The _____________ graphic design principle refers to the idea of having a focal point or a center of interest in your design.


a)      Balance

b)     Contrast

c)      Emphasis

d)     Movement

e)     Proportion

f)       Rhythm


26 – The _____________ graphic design principle refers to the relationship between the size of different objects in the design.


a)      Balance

b)     Contrast

c)      Emphasis

d)     Movement

e)     Proportion

f)       Rhythm


27 – The _____________ graphic design principle refers to elements that demonstrate action and guide the viewer’s eye.


a)      Balance

b)     Contrast

c)      Emphasis

d)     Movement

e)     Proportion

f)       Rhythm


28-The _____________ graphic design principle refers to the way the different parts of the design are organized.  This can be described as symmetrical or asymmetrical.


a)      Balance

b)     Contrast

c)      Emphasis

d)     Movement

e)     Proportion

f)       Rhythm




29- Consider the following logo:

The above logo is an example of a(n)

a)      Text logo

b)     Iconic logo

c)      Hybrid logo

d)     Triangle


30-Consider the following logo:

The above logo is an example of a(n)

a)      Text logo

b)     Iconic logo

c)      Hybrid logo

d)     Dictionary


31-Consider the following logo:

The above logo is an example of a(n)

a)      Text logo

b)     Iconic logo

c)      Hybrid logo

d)     Line



32-By default, Inkscape saves vector images as:

a)      JPG

b)     SVG

c)      GIF

d)     PNG

e)     None of the above

33-Vector images are not fully supported by internet browsers.  This means that sometimes they seem to appear correctly but other times they are not displayed correctly or at all.

a)      True

b)     False

34-In Inkscape, when resizing an object, we hold the ____________ key in order to maintain its with/height ratio.

a)      SHIFT

b)     TAB

c)      CONTROL

d)     SPACE

e)     We actually just cross our fingers.


35-Consider the rectangle below.

The colour red is the

a)      Inner colour

b)     Fill colour

c)      Stroke color

d)     Inside colour

e)     Stop colour


36-Consider the rectangle below.

The colour black is the

a)      Inner colour

b)     Fill colour

c)      Stroke color

d)     Inside colour

e)     End colour


37-In Inkscape as well as in most other software program, the shortcut key to Select All objects is

a)      Control-C (or Command-C)

b)     Control-V (or Command-V)

c)      Control-A (or Command-A)

d)     Control-X (or Command-X)

e)     Control-Control (or Command-Control)


38-In Inkscape as well as in most other software program, the shortcut key to Cut an object is

f)       Control-C (or Command-C)

g)      Control-V (or Command-V)

h)     Control-A (or Command-A)

i)       Control-X (or Command-X)

j)       Control-Control (or Command-Control)


39-In Inkscape as well as in most other software program, the shortcut key to Paste an object is

a)      Control-C (or Command-C)

b)     Control-V (or Command-V)

c)      Control-A (or Command-A)

d)     Control-X (or Command-X)

e)     Control-Control (or Command-Control)


40-In Inkscape as well as in most other software program, the shortcut key to Copy an object is

f)       Control-C (or Command-C)

g)      Control-V (or Command-V)

h)     Control-A (or Command-A)

i)       Control-X (or Command-X)

j)       Control-Control (or Command-Control)


41-Open source software is software for which the source code is available to view and alter.  The advantage of such software is:

a)      It is free.

b)     One can change (improve) the program.

c)      One can examine the program’s code.

d)     It is usually owned by a community and therefore will remain free forever.

e)     All of the above


42-The disadvantage of open-source software is that people are usually volunteering their time to develop the software.  So software improvements could sometimes be slow.

a)      True

b)     False


43-Inkscape is an open-source software.

a)      True

b)     False


44-Pixler is an open-source software.

a)      True

b)     False


45-Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator are open-source software.

a)      True

b)     False

46-The vector graphic software that is considered to be industry standard is:

a)      Inkscape

b)     GIMP

c)      Pixlr

d)     Adobe Illustrator

e)     Hamburger

47-Which of the following is true?

a)      Illustrator has more functionality than Inkscape and is free.

b)     Inkscape has more functionality than Illustrator and is free.

c)      Inkscape is free but has less functionality than Illustrator.


48-Inkscape is available for


a)      PC

b)     Mac

c)      Linux

d)     All of the above