Frames are not covered in this review.




1.Which of the following is the HTML template?








<body >





2. HTML stands for


A)     HyperTension Markup Language

B)      HyperText Markup Language

C)      Highly Textual Markup Language

D)     Highly Textual Marking Language

E)      Hot Tomato Makeup & Lipstick


3. The words that are contained inside the < symbol and the > symbol are all:


A)     scripts

B)      tags

C)      marks

D)     hypertext

E)      annoying


4. All the content of webpage is located inside the


A)     content section

B)      head section

C)      word section

D)     body section

E)      dissection


5. You surf the internet using a


A)     web browser

B)     word processor

C)     database

D)     flash program

E)     surf board


6. A __________________ is a special program that can download html files as well as other related files such as images and display them on your computer screen.


A)     web browser

B)     word processor

C)     database

D)     flash program

E)     surf board


7. The following sentence will have only the word best in bold:


A)     Mr. Campeau is not the best <bold>teacher</bold>.

B)      Mr. Campeau is the </b>best<b> teacher.

C)      Mr. Campeau is the <bold>best teacher.

D)     Mr. Campeau is the <bold>best</bold> teacher.

E)      Mr. Campeau is not the <b>best</b> teacher.

8. In the following html code, <font color="blue">Word up homies</font>, the attribute is


A)     font

B)      /font

C)      color

D)     blue

E)      homies


9. In the following html code, <font color="blue">Word up homies</font>, the tag name is


F)      font

G)     /font

H)     color

I)       blue

J)       homies


10. To add an image called viking.jpg to a website, we use the following tag:


A)     <img src="viking.jpg">

B)      <a href="viking.jpg">

C)      <image source="viking.jpg">

D)     <a href="viking">

E)      <put><image><viking><on><screen><now>



11. The <a href="..."> tag is used to


A)     Make text fly in from the side of the page.

B)      Make a link to another webpage or website.

C)      Add an image to the site.

D)     Alter the look and size of regular text.

E)      Confuse students.


12. Which of the following will create a table with one row and three columns




















<table border="1">













<table border="1">








13. Which of the following image types is NOT supported by web browsers? It is in fact the format that Photoshop saves in.


A)     JPG

B)      GIF

C)      PSD

D)     PNG


14. Consider the tag <table border="1" width="500" align="center">.  What will the closing tag be?


A)  </table border="1" width="500" align="center">

B)  </table>

C)  <table/>

D)  <closetable>

E)      There is no closing tag.


15. Which tag makes text move across the screen?


A)  <td>

B)  <textalong>

C)  <hr>

D)  <marquee>

E)      <I><like><to><move><it><move><it>

16. Which tag creates a horizontal line across the screen?


A)  <marquee>

B)  <line>

C)  <hr>

D)  <h1>

E)      <separator>

17. Inside tables, we specify the start of a table row with the ___________________ tag.


A)     <hr>

B)      <table>

C)      <tr>

D)     <td>

E)      <toaster>


18. The <b> tag is used to ____________________ text.

A)     bold

B)      underline

C)      brighten

D)     blur

E)      belittle


19. To force text to start on the next line, we use a __________________ tag.


A)     <br>

B)      <table>

C)      <hr>

D)     <td>

E)      <toaster>


20. In the tag <font face="arial">, the word face is referred to as a(n) __________________.


A)     tag

B)      attribute

C)      value

D)     keyword

E)      something

21. To change the background colour, we need to add the bgcolor attribute to the _________________ tag.


A)     <head>

B)      <background>

C)      <backround>

D)     <body>

E)      <toaster>


22. In relation to web design, WWW stands for


A)     Western Wave Warp

B)      Wicked Witch of the West

C)      Where What and Why

D)     World Wide Web

E)      Wild Wild West


23. The Web gets its name from the fact that it consists of millions of webpages that are _____________ together.


A)     Seen

B)     Linked

C)     Compared

D)     Merged

E)     Stored


24. The file extension for most web page documents is


A)     HTML

B)      EXE

C)      DMG

D)     MSI

E)      JPG


25. The difference between an opening tag and its closing tag is that there is a ___________ before the closing tag’s name.


A)     Dollar sign

B)      Slash

C)      Minus

D)     Parenthesis

E)      Underscore

F)      Slice of bologna (trap for Owen)


26. Which of the following makes a link to the website with the image button.png?


A)     <img src="button.png"><link="">

B)      <a src="button.png"><href=""></a>

C)  <a href=""><img src="button.png"></a>

D)     <a href="button.png"><img src=""></a>

E)      <a src="button.jpg"><href=""></a>



27. The closing tag for <font face="arial"> is:


A)     </face>

B)      </font>

C)      </face="arial">

D)     </font face="arial">

E)      There is no closing tag.


28. The closing tag for <img src="logo.png"> is:


A)     </img>

B)      </logo>

C)      </src>

D)     </img src="logo.png">

E)      There is no closing tag.

29. To add a logo to our html document, we would use this tag:


A)     <logo>

B)      <img>

C)      <brand>

D)     <graphic>

E)      None of the above


30. Which of the following will create a table with two rows and one column?






















<table border="1">










<table border="1">









31. Which attribute can you add to almost any tag in order to make a tool tip appear above that element when the mouse is over it?

A) tool

B) tooltip

C) hint

D) title

E) teacher="tool"


32. A table can be centered on the screen by placing the following inside the table tag:


D) align="center"

E) left


33. In a table structure, the tag <tr> stands for


A) top row

B) table row

C) the row

D) Times Roman

E) Toronto Raptors


34. All tables with 12 cells will have

A) 12 <tr> tags.

B) 12 <td> tags.

C) 6 <tr> tags and 6 <td> tags.

D) 1 <tr> tag and 10 or 11 <td> tags.

E) more <tr> tags than <td> tags.




The font tag has the following attributes and values.



Possible Values


Any colour


1 to 7


Arial, times, wingding, …


Use a font tag to display the sentence I love tech! in green, size 4, in the arial font.  Don’t forget to close your tag.




In the above question, you have a table showing the attributes and some possible values for the font tag.  You are now asked to create a similar table for the marquee tag.  Examples of the marquee tag are shown below to help you fill your table.  Include as much information as you can (based on examples).


<marquee scrollamount="5" behavior="slide">Go Sens Go</marquee>


<marquee direction="right" behavior="scroll">I love LCS!</marquee>


<marquee behavior="alternate" scrollamount="4" direction="left">Mr. Campeau rocks</marquee>




Circle or explain the error in each of the following tags:


a)  <img src="hahaha">

b)  <img src="button.psd">

c)  <a href=“” text=“Click here for google”>

d)  <body backround=“fun.jpg”>

e)  <b><u>fun times</b></u>