(Previously known as ‘Customization’)


Your goal is to get 20 points.






Graphics & Sounds

These additions do not count towards additions/customization points.  They are covered in the resources section.



Extra Level

You have added an extra level above your five levels.  You get a point for each extra level.  No more than 3 points (for three extra levels) is available.

1 (max of 3)


Bad Guy Movement

Each bad guy that has a different type of movement gets you a point.  Note that changing speed is not a type of movement, nor is simply a direction. 

Examples of different type of bad guy movement.

  • BG moves from one side to the other continuously bouncing back and forth.
  • BG follows character around.
  • BG moves around and randomly changes direction from time to time.
  • BG moves until it reaches object and then randomly picks a new direction.
  • BG moves away from you.

1 (max of 4)



Each different type of functional weapon gets you two points.  Note that simply changing the graphic of the weapon is not enough.  The weapon needs to require different code.  Weapons can be for the main character or for the bad guys.


Examples of different types of weapons

  • Bashing – sword, staff, nun chucks,
  • Shooting – gun, wizard staff, bow and arrow, ninja stars
  • Others – boomerang, detonators, spells (all different types)

2 (max of 6)



The first pickup gets you 2 points.  Every other one gets you one mark. The pickups have to be different enough from one another.


Examples of possible pickups:

  • Invincibility
  • Point bonus
  • Life bonus
  • Speed bonus
  • Keys
  • Weapons / Equipment
  • Many more exist

2 (for first one)

1 (for all others)


(max of 8)


Lives, Scores, Health

You get two marks for keeping track of any of these three and displaying them on the screen.

2 (max of 6)


Easter Eggs (including cheat codes)

You get a mark for any hidden treasures/bonuses/discoveries.


Examples of easter eggs:

  • Secret tunnel
  • Cheat code
  • Secret weapon

1 (max of 5)


Controllable Multi-State Characters

Each state in your controllable character is worth 1 point.  This can also apply to your bad guys (who are controlled by code).  Note that you do not get any points if all your character does is walk in a single direction – you need multiple states.


For example, you could get a mark for each of these:

  • Changing directions
  • Walking
  • Running
  • Jumping
  • Ducking
  • Shooting (must look different than other states)
  • Others

1 (max of 6)


Other Coded Objects (Simple Objects)

Any other objects that require code will get you 0.5 points.  Objects cannot be similar to one another.  These object cannot be part of the addition marks above.


For example:

  • Walls (that cannot be walked through)
  • Islands in 1942 (movement is coded)
  • Doors (block you from walking through, until key is found)

0.5 (max of 4)


Advanced concepts

Any advanced concept that you have included will get you up to five marks.  One possible example is the use of gravity in your game.  You need to plead your case with your teacher to get maximum marks.

0 to 5 (up to 10)