

·        In this mini tutorial, you will learn how to make one object keep track of all information and display it on the screen.  This can be done for score, item counting and many other uses.


·        Click here.


GameMaker Version 8.1


1 – Creating a ring and diamond object

·        Download and unzip the resources.

·        Create a ring sprite.

·        Create a diamond sprite.

·        Create a ring object using the ring sprite.

·        Create a diamond object using the diamond sprite.

2 – Creating the bear object

·        Create a bear sprite.

·        Create a bear object using the bear sprite.

·        Inside your bear object, add a Keyboard Event <LEFT>.

·        Inside the above event, add a Move Fixed action (Click Left arrow, Speed=4)

·        Add three other events and corresponding actions to all for movement in all directions.

3 – Creating a room

  • Create a new room. 

  • Add one bear object and a few rings and diamonds to it.

Save and test the game.  The bear should move with the arrow keys.

4 – Creating the data tracking object.

·       Create a new object.  Name it obj_data.  No sprite.

·       In obj_data, add a Create event.

·       Inside Create, add a Set Variable action (control tab).

o   Variable name: ring_count

o   Value: 0

·       Inside Create, add another Set Variable action (control tab).

o   Variable name: diamond_count

o   Value: 0

·       Still in obj_data, add a Draw event.

·       Inside Draw, add a Draw Text event (draw tab).

o   Text: "Diamonds: " + string(diamond_count)

o   x: 0

o   y: 0

·       Still inside Draw, add another Draw Text event (draw tab).

o   Text: "Rings: " + string(ring_count)

o   x: 0

o   y: 20

5 – Adding object to the room

·       Add an instance of obj_data to the room.

Save and test the game.  You should now see the ring and diamond counts (both zero).  Note that you cannot pick any of them up yet.

6Collisions with diamonds

·       Inside the bear object, add a Collision event with diamond objects.

·       Inside the Collision event, add a Destroy Instance action.

o   Apply to Other.

·       Also inside the Collision event, add a Set Variable action.

o   Variable: obj_data.diamond_count

o   Value: 1

o   Relative: Check it!

NOTE: The above will increase the diamond_count variable that is in the obj_data object by one.

Save and test the game.  You can now pick up diamonds and the diamond count should show at the top.

7Collisions with rings

·       Inside the bear object, add a Collision event with ring objects.

·       Inside the Collision event, add a Destroy Instance action.

o   Apply to Other.

·       Also inside the Collision event, add a Set Variable action.

o   Variable: obj_data.ring_count

o   Value: 1

o   Relative: Check it!

NOTE: The above will increase the ring_count variable that is in the obj_data object by one.

Save and test the game.  You can now pick up rings and the ring count should show at the top.

Note: You can use this method over multiple rooms by doing the following:

·       Inside the obj_data object, place a checkmark beside Persistent.

This will make it so that your object persists to exist in future rooms after it was created in one room and it won’t run its CREATE event for each room.  Also, there is no need to add that object to every room.




  • Straight from Mr. Campeau's brain.  J
