
This game idea was created by Lochlan S while serving as Peer Mentor to our course.




A1 – Add the following room sprites:

·        Water

·        FenceH

·        FenceV

·        Wall

·        Wall (No portal)


A2 – For each of the sprites above, create an object.


A3 – Add the following logo sprites which will be part of our game interface:

·        Logo (Blue) – Name: spr_logoB

·        Logo (Orange) – Name: spr_logoO


A3 – Create a single object for logo.

·        Sprite: Logo (Blue) – Because our character will start with the blue gun selected.


Note: Later, we will add the code needed to switch the logo to the orange one.


A4 – Add the following sprite that will be used for your background.

·        Floor


A5 – Open your starting room and do the following:

·        Click on the Background layer.

·        Choose the back sprite (floor).

·        Check Tile Horizontally and Tile Vertically to fill the room with the floor sprite.


A6 – Still in the room, do the following:

·        Click on the Instances layer (important!)

·        Drag in a logo object at the bottom (anywhere you want)

·        Add both wall and wallNoPortal objects to create a room to test in.





Our character’s name is Chell.  We will create chell’s sprites, object and movement here.


B1 – Add the following four chell sprites:

·        Chell (Up)

·        Chell (Down)

·        Chell (Left)

·        Chell (Right)


B2 – Create the chell object.

·        Sprite: Chell (Down) – Because our character will start facing downwards.


B3 – Inside the Chell object, add a Create event.

·        Add an Assign Variable action (Common menu)

o   Name: mySpeed

o   Value: 2

o   Do not check relative.


B4 – Still inside the Chell object, add a Key Down > DOWN event.

·        Add an Assign Variable action (Common menu)

·        Name: y

·        Value: mySpeed

·        Check relative


Note: The above action runs when the down arrow is down and it increases Chell’s y-coordinate by the value of mySpeed which is 2 for now.  But later, we will be able to adjust mySpeed to change Chell’s movement speed.

B5 – Still inside the Chell object, add a Key Down > UP event.

·        Add an Assign Variable action (Common menu)

·        Name: y

·        Value: -mySpeed

·        Check relative


B6 – Still inside the Chell object, add a Key Down > RIGHT event.

·        Add an Assign Variable action (Common menu)

·        Name: x

·        Value: mySpeed

·        Check relative


B7 – Still inside the Chell object, add a Key Down > LEFT event.

·        Add an Assign Variable action (Common menu)

·        Name: x

·        Value: -mySpeed

·        Check relative

B8 – Add your character to your room.

TEST ROOM – Your character should move around though it can go through all objects at the moment.  She also does not face the direction she is moving in.


B9 – Inside the Chell object, open the Key Down > RIGHT event.

·        Add a Set Sprite action (Instance menu)

o   Sprite: Chell (Right)

o   Do not change anything else.


Note: The above action makes the right facing sprite appear when we move right.


B10 – Repeat the previous step for the LEFT, UP and DOWN events but placing the corresponding sprite


TEST ROOM – Your character should move around and face the direction she is moving in. 



We want to add collision checking for the following four objects: Fence, Water, Wall & WallNoPortal.

The way we are implementing our movement, to add collision checking to it, we have to do something like this:

When moving, if destination is not colliding with fence, or with water, or with wall or with wallNoPortal, then move character to destination.  Otherwise, don’t move.

Unfortunately, putting the above into code is quite messy.  But there is a nice solution.  We can use inheritance (parent objects).  We simply create an empty object named WalkingBarrier.  And then, in the Fence, Water, Wall and WallNoPortal objects, we set their parent to be WalkingBarrier which makes them all children of Walking Barrier.  Then, we can simply do the collision check with WalkingBarrier objects and that will cover all Fence, Water, Wall and WallNoPortal objects.  Sweet!

We can demonstrate the hierarchy of our objects like this:

C1 – Create a WalkingBarrier object.  Leave it empty.

C2 – Go inside the Water object see its parent to WalkingBarrier.

C3 – Do the same as in the previous step for the Wall object, the WallNoPortal object and both Fence objects.

C4 – Inside the Chell object, inside the
Key Down > RIGHT event, do the following:

·        Add an If Object At Place (Collisions Menu)

o   Object: WalkingBarrier

o   X: mySpeed, Check relative

o   Y: 0, Check relative

o   Check NOT

o   Don’t change anything else.

·        Move the pre-existing Assign Variable and Set Sprite actions inside the above If action like shown below.

C5 – Repeat the previous step for the events Key Down > LEFT, Key Down > DOWN and Key Down > UP from the Chell object.  See below for the expected results.





TEST ROOM – Your character should no longer go through any of the barrier objects.  Notice that your character can get stuck on barriers at the moment.


C6 – To stop the issue of getting stuck on barriers, do the following:


·        Open each of the four Chell sprites, on the left, under Collision Masks, choose Full Image (instead of Automatic).


TEST ROOM – Your character should no longer get stuck on barriers.




In this section, we will create a variable named facing that will keep track of whether chell is facing up, down, left or right.  This will allow us to shoot in different directions later on.


D1 – Inside chell’s Create event, add an Assign Variable action (Common menu).


·        Name: facing

·        Value: "down"     (Note: The double quotes are required.)


D2 – Inside chell’s Key Down > Down event, add an Assign Variable action (Common menu).  Drag the action inside the if statement.


·        Name: facing

·        Value: "down"     (Note: The double quotes are required.)



D3 – Repeat the previous step but for the other directions (Up, Left and Right).  Make sure to set the value of facing to "up", "left" and "right".  And keep the double quotes too.


TEST ROOM – Nothing is different yet.  You are just checking to see if you are getting an error.  If there is no error, you are good to go.




In this section, we will create a variable named activeColour that will keep track of whether chell is currently holding the “blue” portal gun or the “orange” portal gun.  Chell will start off with the “blue” gun.  Note that the logo at the bottom will show the current colour.


E1 – In chell’s Create event, add an Assign Variable action (Common menu).


·        Name: activeColour

·        Value: "blue"


E2 – Still inside the Create event, add a Set Sprite action (Instances menu).


·        Applies to: obj_logo (hit the small upsidedown triangle to set this)

·        Sprite: spr_logoB

·        Frame: 0


E3 – In chell, add a Key Pressed > Letter > C event that will be used to toggle the colour of the portal gun.

E4 – Inside the above event, add an If Variable action (Common menu)

o   Variable: activeColour

o   Is: Equal

o   Value: "blue"


E5 – Inside the above If Variable action, do the following:

·        Add an Assign Variable action (Common menu).

o   Name: activeColour

o   Value: "orange"

·        Still inside the above If Variable action, add a Set Sprite action (Instances menu).

o   Applies to: obj_logo (hit the small upsidedown triangle to set this)

o   Sprite: spr_logoO

o   Frame: 0


E6 – Under the If Variable action from above, add an Else action (Common menu).


E7 – Inside the above Else action, do the following:

·        Add an Assign Variable action (Common menu).

o   Name: activeColour

o   Value: "blue"

·        Still inside the above If Variable action, add a Set Sprite action (Instances menu).

o   Applies to: obj_logo (hit the small upsidedown triangle to set this)

o   Sprite: spr_logoB

o   Frame: 0


E8 – Check that your actions are all organized like this:



TEST ROOM – When you hit C, you should now see your logo’s colour display toggle from blue to orange and vice versa.




F1 - Create the sprites for bulletB and bulletO.


·        Sprite names: spr_bulletB & spr_bulletO

F2 - Create an object for bulletB and bulltO.


·        Names: obj_bulletB & obj_bulletO

·        Set corresponding sprites for each object.


F3 - Inside chell, add a Key Pressed > SPACE event.


F4 - Inside the above event, add a Create Instance action (Instances menu)


·        Object: obj_bulletB    (We will start with blue only for now.)

·        X: 0 with relative checked

·        Y: 0 with relative checked

·        Change nothing else


TEST ROOM – When you hit space, you should now see a blue portal bullet appear.  Of course, it doesn’t move and you can have multiple of them at the moment.


F5 – Before the above Create Instance action, add a Destroy Instance action (Instances menu).


·        Apply this action to obj_bulletB objects.  (Hit the small triangle to do this.)

TEST ROOM – When you hit space, you can now only have one bullet appear.

F6 – Beneath the Create Instance action from above, add a Set Speed action (Movement menu).

·        Apply this action to obj_bulletB objects.  (Hit the small triangle to do this.)

·        Type: Direction

·        Speed: 5


We now need to check the direction that chell is facing and use this to give a direction to the bullet.


F7 – To check if chell is facing right, add an If Variable action (Common menu).

·        Variable: facing

·        Is: Equal

·        Value: "right"

F8 – Inside the above If Variable action, add a Set Direction Fixed action (Movement menu).

·        Apply this action to obj_bulletB objects.  (Hit the small triangle to do this.)

·        Click on the right arrow.


TEST ROOM – When facing right, your bullet should move right.  Other directions do not work though.


F9 – Repeat the previous two steps for the other directions (left, up and down).  Careful to always apply the Set Direction action to obj_bulletB.  You can visually see this by the purple rectangle that gets shown around the action.


F10 – Check that your actions look like this:



TEST ROOM – You can now shoot in all directions.




G1 – At the top of chell’s Key Pressed > SPACE event, add an If Variable action (Common menu).

·        Name: activeColour

·        Is: Equal

·        Value: "blue"


G2 – Carefully drag all of the other actions that were already there inside the above If Variable action.  So everything should be indented under the above If Variable action.  (Note: This is a little messy and can lead to errors so take your time.)


TEST ROOM – You can now only shoot if activeColour is blue.


G3 – Still inside chell’s Key Pressed > SPACE event, scroll to the top actions and drag in an Else action (Common menu) by dropping it on the top If Variable action.  The Else should appear at the very bottom of all actions.


Note: The actions inside the Else are the ones that will be executed whenever the active colour is orange.


G4 – One by one, copy all of the actions in the top If Variable action into the Else section.  Again, take your time as this can easily lead to errors.  Double check that you have the same number of actions as well as the same placement and order.


G5 – All of the actions inside the Else need to apply to orange bullets, not blue bullets.  So do the following:


·        Change the Destroy Instance action to apply to obj_bulletO instead.

·        Change the Create Instance action to create an obj_bulletO instead.

·        Change the Set Speed action to apply to obj_bulletO instead.

·        Change the four Set Direction actions to apply to obj_bulletO instead.


TEST ROOM – You can now shoot portal bullets that are orange or blue.




First, we will deal with the easy wall collsions (wallNoPortal).


H1 – Inside the blue bullet object, add a Collsion > obj_wallNoPortal event.


H2 – Inside the above event, add a Destroy Instance action (Instances menu).


TEST ROOM – Your blue bullets now disappear when they come into contact with wallNoPortal objects.


H3 – Repeat the previous two steps inside the orange bullet object.


TEST ROOM – Your orange bullets now also disappear when they come into contact with wallNoPortal objects.




We will now deal with the collision between bullets and regular walls that lead to portals being created.


I1 – There are four directions for a portal and two colours of portals, so eight different sprites of portals.  Create the 8 sprites for the portals.


·        Blue Sprite Names: spr_portalBD, spr_portalBU, spr_portalBL & spr_portalBR

·        Orange Sprite Names: sprt_portalOD, spr_portalOU, spr_portalOL & spr_portalOR


I2 – Create an object for the blue portal.

·        Name: obj_portalB

·        Sprite: Any of the blue portal sprites will do.


I3 – Create an object for the orange portal.

·        Name: obj_portalO

·        Sprite: Any of the orange portal sprites will do.


Now that we have created our portal objects, we will go back to our bullet object that will create these portals when the bullets hit a wall.


In GameMaker, the direction of an object is stored in the variable direction.  The value 0 means right, the value 90 means up, the value 180 means left and 270 means down.  We will use this to determine the bullet’s moving direction which will help us determine which portal sprite to show.


I4 – Inside the blue bullet object, add a Collision > obj_wall event.


I5 – Inside the above event, add a Destroy Instance action (Instance menu).

·        Make this apply to the obj_portalB object.  This will remove any other blue portal in the room.


I6 – Still inside this event, add an If Variable action (Common menu).

·        Variable: direction

·        Is: Equal

·        Value: 0      (Reminder: Zero means right.)


I7 – Inside the above If Variable action, add a Create Instance action (Instance menu).

·        Make this apply to the Other object (which is the wall that is collided with)

·        Object: obj_portalB

·        X: -32, relative checked

·        Y: 0, relative checked

·        Change nothing else



The above portalB will be created in the tile exactly to the left of the wall (x value that is 32 less than wall’s).


I8 – Below the above action (still inside the if statement), add a Set Sprite action (Instances menu).

·        Make this action apply to obj_portalB

·        Sprite: spr_portalBR


I9 – Below the above action (still inside the if statement), add a Destroy Instance action (Instances menu).  This will destroy the bullet.

·        No changes needed to this action.


I10 – Your code should look like this:

TEST ROOM – When a blue bullet is moving towards the right and hits a wall object, it is removed and a blue portal appears in the tile to the left of the wall.

I11 – The If Variable action along with the three actions inside it needs to be reproduced for each bullet direction.  Do so and refer to the image below if you need help.








TEST ROOM – Your blue bullets now create portals (when they collide with walls) when moving in all directions.

I12 – Inside the orange bullet, add a Collision > obj_wall event.

I13 – Inside that event, you need to reproduce all of the same events that are in the blue bullet’s Collision event with the wall object. 

If you go into the blue bullet’s collision event, you can hit CTRL-A to select all actions and then right click on any action to choose a COPY action.  You can then go paste all of those actions into the orange bullet’s collision event.  Then, you have to slowly alter each action.

TEST ROOM – Your orange bullets now create portals (when they collide with walls) when moving in all directions.


The challenge associated with teleporting your character is that, when it touches a portal and is moved to the other portal, it needs to appear close to the destination portal, but not on it (or it would teleport back).  To do this, we need to determine how to offset the character when compared to the portal and that will depend on the direction of the portal. 

J1 – Inside the blue bullet’s collision with a wall, add the following action at the very bottom (not inside an if statement):

·       Add an Assign Variable action.

o   Name: obj_portalB.direction

o   Value: direction              (this is the bullet’s direction)

Explanation: This will store the value of the bullet’s direction variable into the portal’s direction variable.  Note that this is a bit of a hack because the portal object will not be using direction to move in any way.  So us setting the direction is just a way to know which direction the portal is facing.


J2 – Inside the orange bullet’s collision with the wall, add the following action at the very bottom:

·       Add an Assign Variable action.

o   Name: obj_portalO.direction

o   Value: direction              

J3 – Now inside the blue portal object, add a Create event and add the following actions:

J4 – Repeat the previous step for the orange portal object.

J5 – Back inside the blue portal, add a Step Event. 

J6 - Place the following actions inside the Step event.


Explanation: When the portal is on the right side of the tile, we want to move the character to the left.  So, we set the xoffset to -16.

J7 – Repeat the above for each of the other directions (Left, Up, Down).  Add this below the above actions.  See below.


J8 – Copy the entire Step Event and paste it inside the orange portal object.

J9 – Inside the Chell object, add a collision with a blue portal event.

J10 – Inside the above event, add the following:


J11 – Inside the Chell object, add a collision with the orange portal event.

J12 – Inside the above event, add the following:

TEST GAME – You should now be able to teleport between portals.












Portal 2-D Game Maker game

  1. Create a room for testing the different features
  2. Give the player the ability to walk (I used arrow keys)
  3. Add walls and hazards(remember, there are two types of walls)
  4. Add the portal gun(I started with just the blue portal ball)
  5. Create a system that allows for an alternating portal balls
  6. Add the orange portal balls
  7. Add the actual portals now(gray non-portable, white portable)
  8. Create a system that teleports the user from the blue portal to the orange portal(and vice-versa)
  9. Once the portal works, make the walls solid
  10. Ensure that the player does not get stuck in the walls
  11. Add the exit(I place an emancipation grill on it, it doesn't do anything I just think it looks cool)
  12. Add the graphic at the bottom that changes based on the last portal fired


(optional additions)

  1. Add the button that opens the door
  2. Make the door start closed
  3. Add the grate that prevents the player from passing but not the portal ball
  4. Add the weighted cube and pressure plate
  5. Change the sprite to the orange variant based on the last portal fired(I put this here because it only changes 1 pixel)


(definitely optional)

  1. Add a tutorial mode that starts you with just one portal and fires the orange one for you using the portal launcher
  2. Add the portal launcher
  3. Lasers and a reflective cube that changes the direction of the laser relevant to the cube