


Note: We will look at creating basic images for our game.  If you want to create nicer images, you are welcome to do so.  However, do not spend too much time on this as you will fall behind.


1 – Creating a wall sprite.

·       Create a folder called resources that will hold your images.

·       In, create a new image (File > New).

o   Width: 32 pixels

o   Height: 32 pixels

·       Using the paint bucket tool, fill your wall image with a colour.  You can use a gradient if you want to.

·       Save your image as a PNG file with name wall.png.

2 – Creating a player1 sprite

·       In, create a new image (File > New).

o   Width: 16 pixels

o   Height: 96 pixels

·       Using the paint bucket tool, fill your wall image with a different colour.  You can use a gradient if you want to.

·       Save your image as a PNG file with name player1.png.

3 – Creating a player2 sprite

·       In, create a new image (File > New).

o   Width: 16 pixels

o   Height: 96 pixels

·       Using the paint bucket tool, fill your wall image with a different colour.  You can use a gradient if you want to.

·       Save your image as a PNG file with name player2.png.

4 – Creating a puck sprite

·       In, create a new image (File > New).

o   Width: 16 pixels

o   Height: 16 pixels

·       Using the paint bucket tool, fill your wall image with a different colour.  You can use a gradient if you want to.

·       Save your image as a PNG file with name puck.png.



5 – Creating our sprites

·       In GameMaker, create a sprite for each one of the images your made.

o   Names: spr_wall, spr_player1, spr_player2, spr_puck

o   Load the corresponding image for each.

6 – Creating our objects

·       Create an object for each sprite. 

o   Names: obj_wall, obj_player1, obj_player2, obj_puck

o   For each, use the corresponding sprite.

o   For each, check the solid checkbox

7 – Creating our level

·       Create a room.

o   Under settings, set the name to room_main

o   Under settings, resize the room as you wish.  I used 832 x 512.

o   Go into the objects tab and add the objects as you want them placed to create Pong.  The image below shows an example.

o   For the paddles and the puck objects, when they are selected, you can adjust their location using the arrow keys.





8 – Making the puck move.

·       In the puck object, add a Create event.

·       In the Create event, add an Execute Code action (control tab)

o   The code: randomize();

·       Still in the Create even, add a Move Fixed action (move tab)

o   Select all directions except middle, up and down

o   Speed: 5

Save and test your game. 


The ball should now move at the start.  Unfortunately it leaves the screen immediately.


9 – Making the puck bounce off walls & paddles.

·       Inside the puck object, add a Collision event (obj_wall)

·       Inside the above event, add the Bounce action (move tab)


·       Still inside the puck object, add a Collision event (player1)

·       Inside the above event, add a Bounce action (move tab)


·       Still inside the puck object, add a Collision event (player2)

·       Inside the above event, add a Bounce action (move tab)

Save and test your game. 


The ball should now bounce off walls and paddles.


10 – Paddle movement (player1)

·       Inside the player1 object, add a Key Press event (Letters > A)

·       Inside the above event, add a Move Fixed action (move tab)

o   Direction: Upwards

o   Speed: 3

·       Inside the player1 object, add a Key Press event (Letters > Z)

·       Inside the above event, add a Move Fixed action (move tab)

o   Direction: Downwards

o   Speed: 3


11 – Paddle movement (player2)

·       Inside the player2 object, add a Key Press event (<up>)

·       Inside the above event, add a Move Fixed action (move tab)

o   Direction: Upwards

o   Speed: 3

·       Inside the player1 object, add a Key Press event (<down>)

·       Inside the above event, add a Move Fixed action (move tab)

o   Direction: Downwards

o   Speed: 3

Save and test your game. 


Your paddles now move with A & Z or with Up & Down.


12 – Keeping player1 on the screen.

·        In the player1 object, add a Collision event (with obj_wall).

·        Inside the above event, add a Bounce action (move tab).


13 – Keeping player2 on the screen.

·        In the player2 object, add a Collision event (with obj_wall).

·        Inside the above event, add a Bounce action (move tab).

Save and test your game. 


Your paddles should now stay inside the walls.




14 – Creating a score keeping object.

·       Create an object

o   Name: obj_scoreKeeper

o   Sprite: None

·       Add a copy of this object into your room.

15 – Keeping track of the score.

·       Add a Create event inside the scoreKeeper object.

·       In event from above, add a Set Variable action (control tab)

o   Variable: p1score

o   Value: 0

·       In event from above, add a Set Variable action (control tab)

o   Variable: p2score

o   Value: 0

16 – Displaying the score.

·       In the scoreKeeper object, add a Draw GUI event (inside Draw)

·       Inside the above event, add a Draw Variable action (control tab)

o   Variable: p1score

o   X: 0

o   Y: 0

·       Still inside the above event, add another Draw Variable action (control tab)

o   Variable: p2score

o   X: 32

o   Y: 0

Save and test your game. 


You should now see a 0 to 0 score at the top.  It doesn't update yet though.


17 – Better score placement

·       Inside the two Draw Variable actions in the previous step, the X and Y values refer to the location of the score.  Change the values so that you are happy with the placement of the score.

o   I used (32, 0) for p1score and (800, 0) for p2score.

Save and test your game.  Use trial and error to get the score placement you want.


Note that the next step has many new concepts including

·       Step events

·       Testing variables

·       Statement blocks

·       Checking other objects' location

·        Moving other objects

Here is what we want to achieve in Step 16:


For every step, we must check:

     If the puck has left the screen on the left side


          Increase player 2's score by 1.

          Return puck to its starting location.

          Make the puck start moving again.




Because of the complexity of this step, I have included grey explanation notes below.



18 – Detecting a goal on the left side


·       In the scoreKeeper object, add a Step event. 
Explanation: Actions in Step events get executed every step in the game.

·       In the above event, add a Test Variable action (control tab).

o   Variable: obj_puck.x

o   Value: -50

o   Operation: Less than

Explanation: This test is checking if the puck's x value is less than -50.  This only happens if the puck has left the screen on the left hand side.

·       Under the above action, drag in a Start of Block action (control tab).

·       Also drag in a End of Block action (control tab).

·       Inside the block section, add a Set Variable action (control tab).

o   Variable: p2score

o   Value: 1

o   Check relative.

·       Inside the block section, add a Jump to Start action (move tab).

o   Applies to Object: obj_puck

·       Inside the block section, add a Move Fixed action (move tab).

o   Applies to Object: obj_puck

o   Direction: All but middle, up and down

o   Speed: 5

Explanation:  The three actions inside the block only get executed if the variable test is true.  Otherwise, they are ignored.

Below is a screen cap of what the step event should look like:


19 – Detecting a goal on the right side

·       This step is the same as step 18.  We simply add another Variable Test below the existing one.  The actions are the same as in step 18 except:

o   we check if the puck has went passed the right side of the room instead of the left.

o   we increase p1score instead of p2score.

Here is a screen capture of the entire step event after step 19 is done:


Save and test your game.  It should be fully functional with scores that update.



·       Make the puck's bounce actions be a little imprecise to add variety to the game.  This can be done by changing the puck object's direction variable by a small amount. 

After every bounce action inside the puck object, add the following action:

          Action: Set Variable
          Variable: direction
          Value: random(10) - 5
          Relative: Checked

About the direction variable.

The direction variable is a built-in variable that exists in all objects.  It stores the object's current movement direction as an angle that ranges from 0 to 360.   

It has a value of zero when moving to the exact right.  It has a value of 180 when moving to the exact left.  It has a value of 90 when moving up and 270 when moving down.  It has an angle of 45 when moving in the up and right direction.

About the code above

In the code above, we set direction to its previous value + random(10) - 5.  Since random(10) gives us a random number between 0 and 10, we are essentially adding an amount of plus or minus 5 to direction.  So, after a bounce, the object's direction is slightly deviated by up to 5 degrees in either direction.

This has the effect of making the bounce be slightly imprecise and makes the gameplay a little different each time.


  • Straight from Mr. Campeau's brain.  J

