
0 – Start with a blank project.  Save it to a folder where you will save all your GameMaker games.  This can be a folder on your desktop if you’d like.


1 – Create a clown sprite

·       Name: spr_clown

·       Import image file from Resources folder

·       Edit the image if you want.

2 – Create a wall sprite

·       Name: spr_wall

·       Import image file from Resources folder

·       Edit the image if you want.

3 – Create a bounce sound

·       Name: snd_bounce

·       Press the … button to choose the file from Resources folder

·       You can press the Play button to test the sound.

4 – Create click sound

·       Name: snd_click

·       Press the … button to choose the file from Resources folder

·       You can press the Play button to test the sound.

5 – Create the clown object

·       Name: obj_clown

·       Select sprite: spr_clown

6 – Create the wall object

·       Name: obj_wall

·       Select sprite: spr_wall

·       Make sure to check the Solid property for this object.

7 – Making the clown object move

·       Inside clown, add a Create event

·       Add a Set Direction Random action (Movement menu)

o   Click on all directions so that one will be chosen randomly

·       Add a Set Speed action (Movement menu)

o   Speed: 4

8 – Handling collisions

·       Inside the clown object, add a Collision event (obj_wall)

·       There is a function in GameMaker that makes objects bounce off of other solid objects.  This can only be accessed by code though.  Here are the steps:

o   Add an Execute Code action (Common menu)

o   Inside, add the following code:

·       Under the above action, drag in a Play Audio action (Audio menu)

o   Sound: snd_bounce

9 – Open the default Room 1.

·       On the left (in the Layers panel), make sure that the Instances layer is selected.

·       Drag in the wall objects to create a large rectangular room (see image below).
Note:  Using the ALT key makes this much faster.  On the Mac, the right ALT key will work.

·       Drag a clown into the room inside the walls.

Save your game.  Test it.

You should have a clown that bounces around in your room.



10 – Randomizing the clown's starting direction

·       Go inside the Create event of the clown object.

·       At the top, insert an Execute Code action (Common menu)

·       Insert the following code:


Note: The randomize(); code must be executed before the clown’s direction is chosen in order for that direction to be different every time.


Save your game.  Test it.

Your clown should now start in different directions each time that you test your game.


11 – Handling when a clown is clicked on

·       Inside the clown object, add a Mouse event (Left Pressed)

·       Add a Play Audio action (Audio menu)

o   Sound: snd_click

·       Add a Jump To Point action (Movement menu)

o   We want to jump to a random point with (x,y) values in the room.  We can do this by setting x to a random value between 0 and the room’s width and by setting y to a random value between 0 and the room’s height.  The function called random(maxNumber) does this for us.

Fill out the action exactly as shown below:

·       Add a Set Direction Random action (Movement menu)

o   Choose all directions.

·       Add a Set Speed action (Movement menu)

o   Speed: 0.5

o   Check relative
Note:  Checking relative means that we will add 0.5 to the current speed every time the clown is clicked.

Save your game.  Test it.

Your clown should now react when it is clicked. 


Please turn down your volume.


12 – Creating the background music asset

·       Create a new Sound resource

o   Name: snd_music

o   Load file music.mp3 from resources

13 – Adding the background music to the game

·       Inside clown object, inside create event, add Play Audio action (Audio menu)

o   Sound: snd_music

o   Loop: Check it!

14 – Creating the background image asset

·       Create a sprite resource

o   Name: spr_background

o   Load file background.png from resources

15 – Adding the background to your game

·       Open the room object.

·       Make sure that the Background Layer is selected in the Layers panel.

·       Locate the Background Layer Properties panel

o   Using the … button, select our background sprite.

o   Horizontal tile: Check it.

o   Vertical tile: Check it.

Save your game.  Test it.

You should now have background music and a background image.


Please turn off your volume so that further testing will not be disruptive.


16 – Making the clown change directions from time to time

·       Go inside create event of the clown object.

·       Add a Set Alarm Countdown action (Instances menu)

o   Alarm number: 0

o   Countdown: 120   (which means 2 seconds)

·       In the clown object, add a new Alarm event (Alarm 0)

·       Inside that event, add a Set Direction Random action (Movement menu)

o   Choose all directions.

·       Still inside the same event, add once again the Set Alarm Countdown action (Instances menu)

o   Number of steps: 120

o   Alarm number: Alarm 0

Save your game.  Test it.

Your clown should now change directions every two seconds.


17 – Adding a score

·       Create a new object

o   Name: obj_controller

o   No sprite

·       Inside this new object, add a Draw > Draw GUI event

·       Inside the Draw GUI event, insert a Draw Value action (score tab)

o   Caption: “Score:”

o   Value: score

o   X: 0

o   Y: 0

·       Go to the room object and add an obj_controller to the room.  It will show as a simple little question mark in a circle.

·       Go to the clown object and inside the Left Pressed event.

·       Add a Assign Variable action (Common menu).

o   Name: score

o   Value: 10

o   Check relative

Save your game.  Test it.

Your score should go up by 10 every time you click on the clown.



·       Use the clowEvil.png sprite in the resources to create an object that is identical to our existing clown but removes from your score when you click it.

·       Make the evil clown object bounce when it hits the normal clown.

·       Add several of each clown to make it more likely that the player clicks on the evil clown.

·       Create a fake wall object with the wallFake.png image in the resource folder. This wall does nothing and clowns bounces through it.  This adds another little way to confuse the user.

