

1 – Adding water background as resource                                           //page 5

·        Resources > Create Background

·        Name: back_water

·        Load file from resources

2 – Create room                                                                                          //page 5

·        Resources > Create Room

·        Name: room_main

3 – Adding scrolling background to room                                            //page 5

·        Inside room, click on tab named background

·        Uncheck Draw Background Color

·        Select back_water in the middle left (little image button)

·        At bottom, set Vert Speed to 2

<Test game – Water should scroll down>

4 – Add sprites for each island (x3)                                                        //page 6

·        Resources > Create Sprite

·        Name: spr_isl1, spr_isl2, spr_isl3

·        Load corresponding file

5 – Create each object for each island (x3)                                          //page 6

·        Resources > Create object

·        Set corresponding sprite

·        Set depth to 10000 (to ensure that everything else is above islands)

6 – Making islands move (x3)                                                                  //page 6

·        Inside each island, add a Create event.

·        Add Vertical Speed action (move tab).

o   Speed = 2 (same as background)

7 – Adding islands to room (x3)                                                              //page 8 (I changed this order)

·        Inside the room, add each island once at different heights.

<Test game – Islands should move with background>

 8 – Making islands reappear at the top (x3)                                       //page 7

·        Inside the island, add a Step event.

·        Add the Test Variable action (control tab)

o   Variable: y

o   Value: room_height                                                      //If y is larger than room_height

o   Operation: Larger Than 

·        Add the Jump To Position (move tab)

o   x:  random(room_width)                                             //random from 0 to room’s width

o   y:  -65                                                                              //above the window      

<Test game – Islands should now reappear at the top shortly after going off screen>


1 – Creating the plane’s sprite                                                                 //page 8

·        Resources > Create Sprite

·        Name: spr_myPlane

·        Load file myPlane.gif                                                                   //notice 3 sub-images = animation

·        Under Origin, hit Center                                              //this center’s the plane’s (0,0) point

2 – Create the object for the plane                                                        //page 8

·        Resources > Create Object

·        Name: obj_myPlane

·        Pick the corresponding sprite

·        Set depth to -100                                                                         //so that plane is always on top

3 – Moving left                                                                                            //page 9

·        Inside the plane object, add a Keyboard event.

o   <Left>

·        Add a Test Variable action (control tab)                                //check if there is room to move to the left

o   Variable: x

o   Value: 40                                                                         //40 pixels from the left side

o   Operation: Larger Than

·        Add a Jump To Position (move tab)

o   X: -4                                                                                  //4 to the left of current position

o   Y: 0

o   Check Relative

4 – Moving right                                                                                         //page 9

·        Inside the plane object, add a Keyboard event.

o   <Right>

·        Add a Test Variable action (control tab)                                //check if there is room to move to the right

o   Variable: x

o   Value: room_width – 40                              //40 pixels from the right hand side

o   Operation: Smaller Than

·        Add a Jump To Position (move tab)

o   X: 4                                                                                   //4 to the right of current position

o   Y: 0

o   Check Relative

5 – Moving up                                                                                             //page 9

·        Inside the plane object, add a Keyboard event.

o   <Up>

·        Add a Test Variable action (control tab)                                //check if there is room to move to the right

o   Variable: y

o   Value: 40                                                                         //40 pixels from the top

o   Operation: Larger  Than

·        Add a Jump To Position (move tab)

o   X: 0                                                                                   //2 up from the current position

o   Y: -2

o   Check Relative

6 – Moving down                                                                                        //page 9

·        Inside the plane object, add a Keyboard event.

o   <Down>

·        Add a Test Variable action (control tab)                                //check if there is room to move to the right

o   Variable: y

o   Value: room_height-120                                             //120 pixels from the bottom, we are leaving space at bottom for score bar

o   Operation: Smaller Than

·        Add a Jump To Position (move tab)

o   X: 0                                                                                   //2 down from the current position

o   Y: 2

o   Check Relative

7 – Adding plane to room                                                                         //page 9

·        Go into your room, and add a plane in the middle of your screen.

<Test game – Your plane should move in all directions.  You plane shouldn’t be able to leave the screen.>


1 – Adding the bullet sprite                                                                      //page 9

·        Resources > Create Sprite

·        Name: spr_bullet

·        Load file bullet.gif

·        In Origin, click on Center button.

2 – Create the object for the bullet                                                        //page 10

·        Resources > Create object

·        Name: obj_bullet

·        Pick corresponding sprite

·        Set depth to 0.                                                                              //so it appears under our plane but above other stuff

3 – Bullet motion                                                                                        //page 10

·        Inside the bullet object, add a Create event.

·        Add a Speed Vertical action (move tab).

o   Vertical speed: -8

4 – Removing bullets that are outside screen                                     //page 10

·        Inside the bullet object, add a Step event.

·        Add a Test Variable action (control tab).                //if bullet is 20 pixels past the screen’s edge

o   Variable: y

o   Value: -20                                                                       //20 past the screen’s edge

o   Operation: Less Than

·        Add action Destroy Instance (main1 tab).

5 – Adding basic shooting                                                                         //page 10 (I changed order a little.)

·        Inside the plane object, add a Keyboard event.

o   <Space>

·        Add the Create Instance action (main1 tab).

o   Object: obj_bullet

o   X: x                                                                                   //set the bullet’s x to the plane’s x

o   Y: y                                                                                    //set the bullet’s y to the plane’s y

<Test game – Your plane should now be able to shoot.  Unfortunately, it shoots too much!>

6 – Limiting the shooting                                                                          //page 10

·        In the plane object, add a Create event.

·        Add a Set Variable action (control tab).

o   Variable: can_shoot                                                     //When can_shoot is 1, we can shoot, otherwise, we have to wait for a bit

o   Value: 1

·        Inside the existing <Space> (Keyboard) event, add a Test Variable action (control tab).

o   Variable: can_shoot

o   Value: 1

o   Operation: equal to

·        Drag this action above the Create Instance action so that it appears first.

·        Add a Set Variable action (control tab)

o   Variable: can_shoot

o   Value: 0

·        Add a Set Alarm action (main2 tab)

o   Number of steps: 15

o   In alarm number: Alarm 0

·        Add a Start Block action (control tab).  Drag it so that it is second in the list of actions.

·        Add a End Block action (control tab).  Make sure it is last in the list of actions.

Below, you can see how the <Space> event should look like:

·        Still in our plane, add an Alarm event.

o   Alarm 0

·        Add a Set Variable action (control tab)

o   Variable: can_shoot

o   Value: 1

<Test game – Shooting should be a lot slower now.>


1 – Adding the sprite for Enemy 1                                           //page 11

·        Resources > Create sprite

·        Name: spr_enemy1

·        Load file enemy1.gif

2 – Create the object                                                                  //page 11

·        Resources > Create object

·        Name: obj_enemy1

·        Pick corresponding sprite

3 – Making the enemy move                                                    //page 11

·        Add a Create event.

·        Add a Speed Vertical action (move tab)

o   Vert speed: 4

4 – Making enemy reappear at top                                         //page 11

·        Add a Step event.

·        Add a Test Variable action (control tab)

o   Variable: y

o   Value: room_height

o   Operation: Greater Than

·        Add action Jump To Position (move tab)

o   X: random(room_width)

o   Y: -50                                                                 //y = -50 is above the screen

<Add an enemy plane to your room and Test Game – Plane should constantly reappear at the top>

<Remove enemy plane from room after testing (right click on it)>


1 – Creating explosion object and an explosion sound for enemies                                           //page 11

·        Resources > Create Sound

·        Name: snd_explosion1

·        Load file snd_explosion1.wav

·        Resources > Create Sprite

·        Name: spr_explosion1

·        Load file explosion1.gif

·        Under Origin, hit the Center button.

·        Resources > Create Object

·        Name: obj_explosion1

·        Pick the corresponding sprite

·        Inside the object, add an Animation End event (under “Other” events)                    //when anim ends, destroy self

·        Add a Destroy Instance action.

2 – Dealing with enemy colliding with a bullet                                                                                 //page 11

·        Inside the enemy object, add a Collision event.

o   obj_bullet

·        Add a Play Sound action (main1 tab)

o   Sound: snd_explosion1

o   Loop: false

·        Add a Destroy Instance action (main1 tab)                                                                        //destroy the bullet

o   Applies To: Other

·        Add a Create Instance action (main1 tab)                                                                          //add explosion at same place as hit plane

o   Object: obj_explosion1

o   X: 0

o   Y: 0

o   Check relative

·        Add a Jump To Position action (move tab)                                                                         //instead of destroying the plane, we move it at the top

o   X: random(room_width)

o   Y: -100

·        Add a Set Score action (score tab)

o   New score: 5

o   Check relative

<Add an enemy plane to your room and Test Game – You can now shoot the plane.  An explosion should appear.  Your score should increase.>

<Remove enemy plane from room after testing (right click on it)>

3 – Creating explosion object and an explosion sound for our plane                                         //page 12

·        Resources > Create Sound

·        Name: snd_explosion2

·        Load file snd_explosion2.wav

·        Resources > Create Sprite

·        Name: spr_explosion2

·        Load file explosion2.gif

·        Under Origin, hit the Center button.

·        Resources > Create Object

·        Name: obj_explosion2

·        Pick the corresponding sprite

4 – Ending game when explosion is done                                                                                                         //page 12

·        Inside obj_explosion2, add an Animation End event (under “Other” events)                          //when anim ends

·        Add a Destroy Instance action (main1 tab)

·        Add a Sleep action (main2 tab)                                                                                                            //hold for 1 second

o   Milliseconds: 1000

o   Redraw: true

·        Add a Show Highscore action (score tab)

·        Add a Restart Game action (main2 tab)

5 – Collision between bad guy plane and main plane

·        Inside the obj_myPlane object, add a Collision event

o   obj_enemy1

·        Add a Destroy Instance action (main1 tab)                                                                                       //remove other plane

o   Applies To: Other

·        Add a Play Sound action (main1 tab)                                                                                                  //play sound

o   Sound: snd_explosion2

o   Loop: false

·        Add a Change Instance action (main1 tab)

o   Applies To: Self

o   Change Into: obj_explosion2                                                                                                  //this will actually end the game and show high scores

<Add an enemy plane to your room and Test Game – You can now die if you crash into the plane.>

<Remove enemy plane from room after testing (right click on it)>


1 – Creating a controller object                                                                                                                           //page 12

·        Resources > Create Object

·        Name: obj_controller_enemy

·        Uncheck the Visible box.

2 – Spawning bad guys                                                                                                                                          //page 12

·        Add a Create event.

·        Add a Create Instance (main1 tab)                                                                                                      //spawn 1 bad guy

o   Object: obj_enemy1

o   X: random(room_width)

o   Y: -100

·        Add a Set Alarm action

o   Number of steps: 200                                                                                                              //in 200, we’ll add another bad guy

o   Alarm #: 1

·        Add an Alarm event

o   Alarm 1

·        Add a Create Instance (main1 tab)                                                                                                      //spawn one more bad guy

o   Object: obj_enemy1

o   X: random(room_width)

o   Y: -100

·        Add a Set Alarm action                                

o   Number of steps: 500                                                                                                              //every 500 steps, add another bad guy

o   Alarm #: 1

·        Add an instance of the obj_controller_enemy to the room.

<Test Game – You now have a fully functional game.>