You will use your Fusion skills to design and create a printable 3D product using a 3D printer. 


You must choose a product that meets the specifications below and allows you to display your skills.  In other words, choose something that will allow you to have a high enough level of complexity.


Specifications & Details


  • Your object needs to be about 80mm x 80mm x 80mm (or smaller).

  • Your project must be worked on in class (as well as at home).  You may not submit a project that you didn't work on in class.  Make sure your teacher knows what you are working on.


  • Your teacher will print your project for you.  A few students will get the opportunity to print projects on their own and help print other projects – let your teacher know if you are interested in doing this.  You do not need to get your project printed if you don't want to.


  • As you work on your project, you need to save it as a different filename from time to time.  This is important because 3D files do sometimes get corrupted and fail.  You don't want to lose all your work.  Also, one cannot undo commands that were done before the file was closed and re-opened.  So having an older version is essential if you have to go back to an early point in your work.


  • Complexity can be approximated by the following characteristics:


    • Number of steps required.
    • Difficulty of steps.  New commands used.
    • Overall impressiveness of product.



This type of project allows you to scale down an actual object or imagine your very own.  You can work with a boat but also another object such as a car or plane.  It also allows for different levels of complexity.



This project allows you to create a keychain with your name on it.  You can of course put another word if you'd like.  One could easily add more designs to the keychain in order to increase complexity.  The back of the keychain can also have work done to it.

Image result for 3d printer key



A figurine project could lead to an impressive final product.  At the same time, it needs to be well planned out. You need to figure out how you will show the different lines in your character.  The Mario object is created using different height levels for different sections.  The keychain is optional.  Please make sure to check with you teacher before starting this.



A ring is a nice project.  You might have to be careful with the sizing in order to make sure that it fits your finger.  Complexity can easily be added by adding designs around and inside the ring loop.




Buildings such as this temple or pyramid create interesting projects.  You can choose to draw it to approximated scale or do a redesign of a building.  Complexity can be achieved by following the scale as closely as possible or by adding more and more details.



This project idea involves creating a chess piece.  Of course, you could create a piece for a different game.  It would be need to create a missing piece or a replacing piece for a game that you own.  And if you are worried about its simplicity, look how at the staircase added on the image on the right – pretty cool!



Why?  Cause Thor is awesome!  J  This project allows for the creation of a hammer with a fair bit of complexity in the handle.  You can choose to do a simpler handle if you do not have time.



Do you collect LEGO?  Or maybe you know somebody who does?  It would be pretty neat to add a custom piece to that collection.  The complexity here is to make sure that you can click blocks together – so you need to have the correct sizing.  This may require some trial and error. Also, you may want to create a





In this project, you can create the walls of a room.  You can add furniture and decorations as you wish.  Complexity is easy to scale up here.  You can also make the furniture separately so that it can be moved around in the room.  Don't forget to put a floor on the room.



You want a challenge?  Try making two objects that go together with threads. Talk to your teacher before you start such a project.  This can also be in the form of a container and lid as well. 
