This document should include a short daily entry of what you did each day in class.  You are encouraged to add photos (or screen captures) that demonstrate your progress.  


You should include entries for times that you are working at home on your project.


Your goal is to be neat and precise.  You should not include too much research here.  That should be done in a different document.


Here is an example journal:


TEJ 3M Culminating Activity


Jimmy TwoShoes


ENTRY 1 – Friday, June 2nd, 2023 (Day 0)

  • Mr. Campeau, who is very cool by the way, introduced the Culminating Activity project today.
  • I am considering creating a video game project at this point.


ENTRY 2 – Saturday, June 3rd, 2023 (At home)

  • I researched how to create a video game in Unity and I feel that this will be very challenging at this point.
  • I have decided that I will work on an Arduino project instead.


ENTRY 3 – Monday, June 5th, 2023 (Day 1)

  • Mr. Campeau, who is very cool by the way, gave me the idea of working with traffic light modules and an Arduino to create a model traffic intersection.
  • I tested how a traffic module works.  They are easy to understand.
  • Here is an image of the traffic light module:


ENTRY 4 – Tuesday, June 6th, 2023 (Day 2)

  • I tried connecting two light modules that would control traffic from two different directions. 
  • The lights somewhat work.  I still need to figure out why they aren’t turning off and changing when I want them to.


ENTRY 5 – Wednesday, June 7th, 2023 (Day 3)

  • I have a box that will hold by traffic lights and breadboards.  I spent time cutting it out to allow for a nice looking project.
  • I worked on getting a single traffic light working like I want it to.  It works!


ENTRY 6 – Thursday, June 8th, 2023 (Day 4)

  • I added the second traffic light to my circuit today.
  • The circuit is somewhat functional with an overlapping red and green light. 
  • I have an issue with the yellow light turning on and off at the wrong time.

ENTRY 7 – Friday, June 9th, 2023 (Day 5)

  • I have the yellow light fixed.
  • However, I have a timing issue.  My code is getting quite messy and it is difficult to make changes to it.


ENTRY 8 – Monday, June 11th, 2023 (Day 6)

  • Mr. Campeau* suggested that I break down my code into different states like seen below.

State 1
Module 1 = Green
Module 2 = Red

State 2

Module 1 = Yellow
Module 2 = Red

State 3

Module 1 = Red

Module 2 = Red

State 4

Module 1 = Red

Module 2 = Green

State 5

Module 1 = Red

Module 2 = Yellow

State 6

Module 1 = Red

Module 2 = Red

  • However, I do not want to give up on my code just yet.  But I am struggling.


ENTRY 9 – Monday, June 11th, 2023 (At lunch)

  • I worked in the STEAMroom today at lunch to try and figure out the programming.  Some success but it’s still not quite there.


ENTRY 10 – Tuesday, June 12th, 2023 (Day 7)

  • My program mostly works.  I have saved my code.  I need minor tweaks for timing but it is just a matter of changing the duration of delays.


ENTRY 11 – Wednesday, June 13th, 2023 (Day 8)

  • The tweaking of delays has caused more issues than I thought it would.  Changing the delay on one light makes it no longer match up with the other light.  I will be changing the code to match the states suggested by Mr. Campeau*.


ENTRY 12 – Wednesday, June 13th, 2023 (At home)

  • I worked on the code.  I do not have the Arduino with me so I cannot test it.  Will do so tomorrow at school.


ENTRY 13 – Thursday, June 14th, 2023 (Day 9)

  • Stayed home sick. 


ENTRY 14 – Friday, June 15th, 2023 (Day 10)

  • My code didn’t work initially but I have got it working. 
  • I still need to do wire management and improve the look of the project.


ENTRY 15 – Friday, June 15th, 2023 (At lunch)

  • I’ve redone a few of the wires to be able properly place my breadboards inside the box without them showing.

ENTRY 16 – Saturday, June 16 th, 2023 (At home)

  • I’ve decorated the top of my box to have a road intersection on it.  I also glued a few wires down to stabilize the circuit.


ENTRY 17 – Monday, June 19th, 2023 (Day 11)

  • My circuit is done.  I showed it to Mr. Campeau*.
  • I worked on and submitted my project summary.  Everything is due today.
  • I will officially present my project tomorrow.


*who is very cool by the way



Nice work Jimmy.   However, it would have been great to have a few photos of your work as you progressed.