Q-Where can I download Blender?  Is it free?


Yes, Blender is free!  You can download it here: https://www.blender.org/



Q-What types of navigation movements are possible?  How do I do them?


Orbit – Rotates screen around the center point of the view.

  • Hold down MMB and move mouse.
  • Hold down the LMB on the Orbit Gizmo and drag it around.


Roll – Rotates screen around the axis created from the center of your view to your eye.

  • Num4 or Num6 – Rotates view around x-axis.


Pan – Shifts your view left, right, up or down.

  • Hold both SHIFT+MMB and move mouse.
  • CTRL-Num2 or CTRL-Num4 or CTRL-Num6 or CTRL-Num8


Zoom – Moves the view closer or further away from the point of interest.

  • Hold both CTRL+MMB and move mouse.
  • Or, simply rotate the MMB.
  • NumPlus or NumMinus



Q-Are there shortcuts to set the view of our model to a predefined view?


Frame Selected – Changes the view to see the selected object.

  • NumPeriod


Frame All – Changes the view so that you can see all objects.

  • Home


Front Orthographic View – Changes the view to the Front view with the positive x-axis towards the right, the positive y-axis towards the back and the positive z-axis going upwards.

  • Num1

Right Side Orthographic View – Changes the view to the Right side view.

  • Num3


Top Orthographic View – Changes the view to the Top view.

  • Num7

Bottom Orthographic View – Changes the view to the Bottom view.

  • Num9


Camera View – Changes the view to match the camera’s view.

  • Num0



Q-What is a mesh?


A mesh is a common shape type in 3D modelling.  Some of the common mesh types in Blender are Cube, Circle, Sphere, Cone, Plane, Cylinder, …


All meshes are made out of three types of parts:

  • vertices – the points of the mesh
  • edges – the lines connecting the vertices
  • faces – the surfaces of the mesh