Create a class called Weapon with the following specs:


DATA FIELDS (private)


·                         String baseName – basic name of weapon (ie: Sword)

·                         String fullName – basic name with possible enchantment (ie: Sword of fire)

·                         int lowDamage – number specifying the low end of damage range

·                         int highDamage – number specifying the high end of damage range

·                         int attackBonus – a bonus applied to weapon holder’s attack

·                         int defenseBonus – a bonus applied to weapon holder’s defense

·                         int accuracyBonus – a bonus applied to weapon holder’s accuracy

·                         int speedBonus – a bonus applied to weapon holder’s speed

·                         int condition – the health of the weapon, 0 to 100

·                         int breakability – number from 0 to 5 suggesting how easy it is to damage weapon




·                         public Weapon(String type)


                   if type is “Hands”

                   baseName = “Hands”
                   fullName = “Hands”

                   lowDamage = 1

                   highDamage = 3

                   attackBonus = 0

                   defenseBonus = 0

                   accuracyBonus = 0

                   speedBonus = 0

                   condition = 100

                   breakability = 0


                   if type is “Sword”

                   baseName = “Sword”
                   fullName = “Sword”

                   lowDamage = 4

                   highDamage = 8

                   attackBonus = 0

                   defenseBonus = 0

                   accuracyBonus = 1

                   speedBonus = 1

                   condition = 100

                   breakability = 5


                   if type is “Axe”

                   baseName = “Axe”
                   fullName = “Axe”

                   lowDamage = 6

                   highDamage = 12

                   attackBonus = 2

                   defenseBonus = 0

                   accuracyBonus = -1

                   speedBonus = -1

                   condition = 100

                   breakability = 1


                   if type is “Staff”

                   baseName = “Staff”
                   fullName = “Staff”

                   lowDamage = 3

                   highDamage = 5

                   attackBonus = 0

                   defenseBonus = 4

                   accuracyBonus = 0

                   speedBonus = 0

                   condition = 100

                   breakability = 2




·                         getMethods for all data fields


·                         public int generateBaseDamage()


         Used each time the weapon holder attacks.


         If weapon’s condition is 75 or above, then this method return a random number          between lowDamage and highDamage


         If weapon’s condition is between 50 and 74, then this method returns a random          number between lowDamage and (lowDamage + highDamage) /2

         If weapon’s condition is between 1 and 49, then this method returns lowDamage.


         If weapon’s condition is 0, then this method returns 0.


·                         public void enchant(String type)


         If type is “fire”

         then fullName becomes basename + “ of fire”

         then both lowDamage and highDamage go up by 2

         then attackBonus goes up by 1

         If type is “lightning”

         then fullName becomes basename + “ of lightning”
         then highDamage goes up by 5


         If type is “ice”

         then fullName becomes basename + “ of ice”
         then defenseBonus goes up by 2


         If type is “speed”

         then fullName becomes basename + “ of speed”
         then speedBonus goes up by 2


         If type is “unbreakable”

         then fullName becomes basename + “ of unbreakability
         then breakabily is set to zero

         then condition is set to 100


         If type is “accuracy”

         then fullName becomes basename + “ of accuracy”
         then accuracyBonus goes up by 3 (to a max of 10)


         if type is “god”

         then fullName becomes basename + “ of god”
         then lowDamage and highDamage goes up by 10

         then attackBonus, defenseBonus, accuracyBonus and speedBonus go up by 2

         then breakability is set to zero


·                         public void repair()

         This method is called whenever the user tries to repair a weapon.

         A 50% chance that condition is restored to 100. 

         A 10% chance that the item is destroyed and its condition is set to 0.

         A 20% chance that the item’s condition goes up by an amount from 1 to 20.

         A 20% chance that the item’s condition goes down by an amount from 1 to 20.


·                         public void possibleDamage()


                   This method is called when the weapon is used. 


         A 5% chance that the weapon will be damaged.  Its condition is reduced by the          same amount as breakability.  If condition reaches zero, the setBroken()          method is called.


·                         private void setBroken()


         This method is called when condition is reduced to zero.  It renames the weapon          by adding “Broken “ to the front of the name.

·                         public String toString()


         Returns a String representation of the object – essentially a large String          containing the values of all the data fields.



Create a class called Warrior with the following specs:


DATA FIELDS (private)


·                         String name

·                         String sexe

·                         String class

·                         int experience

·                         int level

·                         int baseAttack

·                         int attack

·                         int baseDefense

·                         int defense

·                         int baseAccuracy

·                         int accuracy

·                         int baseSpeed

·                         int speed

·                         int hpMax

·                         int hp

·                         Weapon weapon




·                         public Warrior (String n, String s, int at, int de, int ac, int sp, int hp)


                   Data fields are initialized with the following:


                   Name = n

                   Sexe = s

                   Class = “Warrior”  - will be upgraded at set level-ups

                   Experience = 0

                   Level = 1

                   baseAttack and attack get at

                   baseDefense and defense get de

                   baseAccuracy and accuracy get ac

                   baseSpeed and speed get sp

                   hpMax and hp get hp

                   weapon is set to a “hands” weapon



·                         get methods for all data fields

·                         public void addExperience(int amount)


                   The experience data field is increased by amount.  If it exceeds one of the                    following level marks, then the levelUp method is called:


                    500               Uprade to level 2
                    1000             Upgrade to level 3

                     2000            Upgrade to level 4

                    4000             Upgrade to level 5

                    8000             Upgrade to level 6

                     and so on…

                   One challenge is that you have to deal with the scenario where you gain so much                    experience that you need to call the levelUp method twice or three times.

·                         public void levelUp()


                   Increases level by one.  Two points are given to attack, defense, accuracy or                    speed.  However, the odds are not the same for every category.  Here are the                    odds:


                              Attack: 4

                              Defense: 2

                              Accuracy: 2

                              Speed: 2


                   So there is a 40% chance that a point is given to attack.  Both points might be                    given to the same category.

                   Possible later addition: Allowing the player to decide point allocation.

·                         public void reduceHP(int amount)

              The hp data field is reduced by amount.  If hp is now less than zero, it is reset to               zero.


·                         public boolean isDead()


         Returns true if hp is less than or equal to zero.  Otherwise, returns false.

·                         public void heal100()


                   If Warrior is still alive (if hp greater than zero), then hp is set to hpMax.


·                         public void heal(int amount)


                   Increases hp by amount.  However, hp should never exceed hpmax.  Also, this                    entire method only works if Warrior is still alive (hp greater than zero).


·                         public void equipWeapon(Weapon newWeapon)

         Calls the remove weapon method to remove the currently equipped weapon.

         Updates attack, defense, accuracy & speed of the hero by adding hero’s base          values to the bonus values of the weapon.


·                         private void removeWeapon()


                   This method should only be called from equipWeapon as it leaves the Warrior                    object with no weapon (which is not allowed).  That’s why is private.


                   Removes all the bonus values from the attack, defense, accuracy and speed data                    fields.