





  • Object arrays
  • Using NOOPDraw




Create a class named Tile that will represent a single Tile that can be drawn on screen as part of a large Grid pattern (like floor tiles).  To keep things simple, we will make Tile object simply hold their RGB colour.


Also, to keep the use of the class easy, we will make the instance variables public.  So no data encapsulation here.


It has the following specifications:




  • public int r – The amount of red in our colour ranging from 0 to 255.
  • public int g – The amount of green in the colour ranging from 0 to 255.
  • public int b – The amount of blue in the colour ranging from 0 to 255.




  • A constructor that gets a value for each of the instance variables.

  • A constructor that has no parameters.  It simply sets all three RGB values to random values from 0 to 255 inclusively.



  • A method named setRandomColour() that simply sets r, g and b to random values between 0 and 255 inclusively.

  • A method named setColour(int r, int g, int b) that gets a new set of RGB values and uses them to set the instance variables.




It is often best to only have one piece of code to do a particular task.  In the class above, we have two locations where we create a random colour (constructor and method) and two locations where the user can specify the colour (again, constructor and method).

If later, one of the code locations was changed, we would have to remember that the other one would also have to be changed.  Otherwise, this could lead to an inconsistency.


To avoid this, we will simply make the constructors call the methods instead.


  • The first constructor should be changed to only have one statement – a call the setColour() method.

  • The second constructor should be changed to have one statement – a call to the setRandomColour() method.





Steps to follow:

1. Start by copying the NOOPDraw class to your project. 


2. Now create a TileTester class and add a main function to it.

3. Inside main, start by creating a NOOPDraw window.


4. Create a Tile t object with a random colour.


5. Use NOOPDraw.setColor(…) to set the NOOPDraw drawing colour to the Tile’s colour.


6. Fill a rectangle located at (0, 0) with a width and height of 20.


7. Steps 4-6 were needed to create a rectangle based on the colour of a Tile.  Repeat all three steps to create another rectangle but place this one at (20, 0) instead.

8. Again, repeat steps 4-6 to create a third rectangle at (40, 0).


There is a pattern developing for the rectangles.  If we created an array of Tiles, we could draw them using a loop.  That is what we will do in the next part.





The Grid class will have a 2D array of Tile objects and will display them on the screen in a Grid like display.  It will make use of NOOPDraw for the displaying.


Here is the file specification:




·     public Tile[][] grid – A 2D Tile array holding all the tiles

·     public int tileSize – The size of the tile in pixels



  • A constructor gets a number of rows and columns and creates a 2D Tile array with those values. 

    It then loops over the array with nested for loops and creates a Tile object with random colours. 

    Finally, it sets the tileSize instance variable to 20 (for now).




  • A draw() method will be used to draw the Tiles from the array on to the screen.  Here are the details:


    • First, add the following comment above the draw() method header:

      //Pre-condition: NOOPDraw window must already be created for this to work.

    • Now add the draw method header.

    • Inside the method, loop over the grid array using nested for loops.  Use r and c as control variables.

    • Inside the loops, you have two things to do.  First, set the drawing colour to the current tile’s colour.  Then, draw the rectangle on the screen.

      A few notes:

      • The current tile is reffered to as grid[r][c].

      • To set the NOOPDraw drawing colour to the current tile’s colour, we can use:

        NOOPDraw.setColor(grid[r][c].r, grid[r][c].g, grid[r][c].b);

but I prefer using two lines of code instead:

Tile t = grid[r][c];

NOOPDraw.setColor(t.r, t.g, t.b);


      • We now need to draw (fill) the rectangle that represents the tile.  To do this, we need to figure out a pattern between r and c in the array and x and y on the window. 

        Click here to see guide on how to determine the pattern.





Do the following steps:


  • Create a GridTester class with a main function.

  • Inside main, create a NOOPDraw window.

  • Create a Grid object g with 10 rows and 10 columns.

  • Call the draw method on g.