In this section, we will code in the Ball class. 




As always, we start by deciding on the data fields. 


The ball will have x and y coordinates.  It will have a width and height.  The ball will also have a velocityX and velocityY datafield that will store the ball’s speed in both the horizontal and vertical directions.


Let’s look at how velocityX and velocityY will work.  Each time the render method is called, the puck will be moved in the x direction by velocityX and in the y direction by velocityY.


So the data fields look like this:


   private float x;

   private float y;


   private float velocityX;

   private float velocityY;


   private float width;

   private float height;




For now, we’ll make a constructor that gets an argument for each datafield.


   public Ball(float x, float y, float vx, float vy, float w, float h)


        this.x = x;

        this.y = y;

        this.velocityX = vx;

        this.velocityY = vy;

        this.width = w;

        this.height = h;





We need to create get methods for each of the datafields above.


You need to create these 6 get methods on your own.  Code will not be provided for this.




We will have to check if the ball collides with the paddles.  This will involve checking if the ball is either below, above, to the left or to the right of the paddle.  To help us do this, we will include the following methods:


getBottom() – returns y

getTop() – returns y + height

getLeft() – returns x

getRight() – returns x + width


You need to implement the four above methods in the Ball class.




The getBottom(), getTop(), getLeft() and getRight() methods are also useful for the Paddle class.  They will actually be identical in the Paddle class as they are in the Ball class.


Implement the 4 methods in the Paddle class.




We need to be able to check if the ball is colliding with a paddle.  To do this, we will make a method called hitting that will get a Paddle object as argument and returns true is the ball is colliding with the paddle.  Otherwise, it will return false.


At first, this may seem quite complicated to do.  But there is a fairly simple solution.  Here is pseudo code explaining our strategy.


If ball is below paddle

   Return false

If ball is above paddle

   Return false

If ball is to the left of paddle

   Return ralse

If ball is to the right of paddle

   Return false

Otherwise (the only option left is that the ball is colliding with the paddle)

   Return true


The pseudo code above looks like this in Java:


     public boolean hitting(Paddle p)


          if (getTop() < p.getBottom())  //if ball below p


              return false;


          else if (getBottom() > p.getTop()) //if ball above p


              return false;


          else if (getLeft() > p.getRight())  //if ball right of p


              return false;


          else if (getRight() < p.getLeft()) //if ball is left of p


              return false;


          else  //then it is hitting


              return true;






For the paddles, we updated their location inside the PongGame class.  However, there is a fair bit to do to update the ball’s location.  We need to move the ball to its new location, then check if it needs to bounce off the top or bottom, then check if it needs to bounce off either paddle.  


Because there is so much to do, we will create a method called update that can be called.


The method consists of three sections.


First, it updates the values of x and y.


Then it checks if the ball is bouncing off the top or bottom of the room.  If it is, it makes the required changes to velocity and the y coordinate.


Then, it check if the ball is colliding with the paddles.  If it is, it makes the required changes to velocity and the x coordinate.


     public void update(Paddle p1, Paddle p2)


          x = x + velocityX;

          y = y + velocityY;


          //BOUNCE OFF TOP?

          float roomTop = Gdx.graphics.getHeight();

          if(getTop() > roomTop)  //if hitting top



              velocityY = -velocityY;

              y = roomTop - (getTop() - roomTop) - height;



          //BOUNCE OFF BOTTOM?

          if(getBottom() < 0)


              velocityY = -velocityY;

              y = 0 + (0 - getBottom());



          //HITTING P1?

          if (hitting(p1))


              velocityX = -velocityX;

              x = p1.getRight() + (p1.getRight() - x);



          //HITTING P2?

          if (hitting(p2))


              velocityX = -velocityX;

              x = p2.getLeft() - (getRight() - p2.getLeft()) - width;

