








An instance variable of the superclass is automatically an instance variable of the subclass.  It is an error to declare it again in the subclass. 

Instance variables that are public are accessible in the subclass (and actually in any other class).

Instance variables that are private are not accessible in the subclass (nor in any other class).


However, we likely want our instance variables to be accessible from the subclass but nor from other classes in order to preserve data encapsulation.  This can be done by using protected instead of either public or private.


A protected instance variable is accessible by subclasses but not by other classes.  So, a protected instance variable is like a public instance variable for subclasses but like a private instance variable for other classes.




A subclass may declare a new version of any public/protected superclass method to provide additional/different functionality.  This is called method overriding.  In doing so, a subclass method can call the superclass version of the method by using the syntax:




Public or protected superclass methods that are not overridden are automatically available to the subclass without the super keyword.


Note that a common error for programmers is to intend to override a method but to accidentally make is slightly different (by giving either a different name or a different argument list).  You can tell the compiler to watch for this by adding annotation @Override on the line about the method.


For example, we have added the annotation for the method overridingMethod below.  This tells the compiler to make sure that this method exists in the superclass and is in fact overriding another method.



   public int overridingMethod(int a)


      //implementation not shown





Consider the example above with the superclass Person and the subclass Student.  Java allows us to do this:


     Person p = new Student("Pat Campo", 22, 123456, "LCS");


This is polymorphism.  Polymorphism allows a superclass object reference to be set to an object of a subclass.  It is allowing the reference to take different forms (poly morphing).


We can therefore create an array of Person object that contain Student objects as well as any other types of Person objects.  Then, we can process them all at once in a loop. 


One thing, when we have a superclass reference to a subclass object (like above), we can only use methods and instance variables from the superclass.  We cannot use methods or instance variables for the subclass.

For example, we could not do p.getStudentNumber() as getStudentNumber() is not in the Person class.


This is one exception to the above rule.  If a method in the superclass is overridden in the subclass, then Java will automatically call the overriding method even on a superclass reference.


So, p.toString() would call the toString() method in Student if there was one.





In Java, all classes that do not extend another class automatically extend the Object class.  (There is no need to specify this inheritance.)


The object class is actually the source of the default toString() method that outputs the strange sequence of hex characters.


This also allows us to create methods that have an Object as parameter.  We can then pass any other object to the function because all classes inherit from Object.