








In Java, we can make a class (subclass) have all of the properties and functionality of another class (superclass).  This class inherits all of the other class’ instance variables and instance methods.  We can then add more instance variables, constructors and methods.  This concept is called inheritance.



Let’s consider a real world scenario for a moment.  We will consider the four classes:


  • Domestic Animal
  • Dog
  • Bulldog
  • Victorian Bulldog


Notice that as we move down the list, we are getting more and more specific in terms of the animal. 

Also notice that a class on the list has all of the characteristics of a class above it as well as its own particular characteristics.


So, a Bulldog has all characteristics of a Dog.  A Victorian Bulldog has all of the characteristics of a Domestic Animal. 


Notice that the opposite is not true.  For example, a Domestice Animal does not have all of the characteristics of a Dog.



Since a Dog has all of the characteristics of a Domestic Animal, we can say that a Dog is a Domestic Animal.  Again, note that we cannot say the opposite because a Domestic Animal is not necessarily a Dog.

Some people prefer using the term is a kind of relationship.  So, they would say that a Dog is a kind of Domestic Animal.




A simple class hierarchy diagram shows how different classes are related to one another.  For the four classes from the example above, the diagram would like like the following: 



Of course, not all class diagrams are this simple.  If we added a Cat class to the above diagram, we would then have two classes under Domestic Animal. 




In the above example, we had a very linear relationship between classes.  However, this is not always the case.  Let’s look at such a case.

Create a class hierarchy for the following classes:

Living Organism, Tree, Animal, Plant, Bird, Rose, Reptile, Snake, Blue Jay, Maple, Flower, Tulip, Robin




Here is the class diagram:


(Created for free at


Notice that a class has all of the characteristics of the classes that it is connected to above it.  So a Rose is a Flower and is a Plant and is a Living Organism.





In Java, we can create a class that has all of the characteristics of another.  In other words, a class will get all of the instance variabless and methods of another class.  When we do this, it is called inheritance.



Inheritance allows us to build complex programs incrementally without having to understand the implementation of all the classes.  It also allows us to have a nice consistency between classes that inherit from the same superclass.




The class that inherits functionality is called the subclass (or child class).


The class that provides the functionality is called the superclass (or parent class).


In the class diagram, the superclass appears directly above the subclass. 




To specify that a class should inherit from another class, we simply use the extends keyword at the end of the line that creates the class.  Like this:


     public class SubclassName extends SuperclassName


Any objects of type Subclass now inherits all the functionality and properties (methods and instance variables) of objects of type Superclass.


The Subclass should also contain:

          1 – its own instance variables

          2 – constructors

          3 – new methods (including ones overriding superclass methods)




Below is the general organization of a Subclass.  Note that the method and overriding methods can be mixed in any order.





Subclasses must have their own constructor.  However, on the first line of their constructors, they must call the superclasses’ constructor and let that constructor take care of initializing the superclass’ instance variables.


To call the superclass constructor, we use:




            where the argument list must match one of the constructors in the superclass.



We have finally looked at enough concepts to look at an example. 


Let’s consider two classes: Person and Student.  First, we need to determine if inheritance makes sense here.  The answer is yes, we can make use of inheritance because a Student is a Person.  So Person is the superclass and student is the subclass.


So let’s start with the Person class.  Because it is the superclass, nothing is different here compared to before.


public class Person


   public String name;

   public int age;


   public Person(String n, int a)


      name = n;

      age = a;



   public String toString()


      return name + " is " + age + " years old.";




We will now create the Student class which will inherit from the Person class.  So the first line will be:


            public class Student extends Person


We will add our instance variables like normally. 


    public int studentNumber;

    public String school;


The next part that is different is the constructor.


The parameter list for the constructor receives values for all instance variables (including the inherited ones).  On the first line, we must call the superclass’ constructor and pass any required arguments to it.  Then, the constructor takes care of initializing the instance variables in the subclass.


    public Student(String mName, int mAge, String mStudentNumber, String mSchool)


        super(mName, mAge);  //call the superconstructor

        studentNumber = mStudentNumber;

        school = mSchool;



We now add any methods that we want.  Remember that the methods have access to the instance variables, including the inherited ones (unless they were private – but more on this later).


Here is the entire class with the parts related to inheritance in blue.  Notice that very little is in blue.


public class Student extends Person


    public int studentNumber;

    public String school;


    public Student(String mName, int mAge, String mStudentNumber, String mSchool)


        super(mName, mAge);  //call the superconstructor

        studentNumber = mStudentNumber;

        school = mSchool;



    public String toString()


        return name + " is " + age + " years old and attends " + school + " as student # " + studentNumber;

