


In this challenge, you will work with three different classes.  Two classes, CargoShip and SeaContainer, will contain only data fields (instance variables) while the third will contain your program code.


A sea container is simply a large container that is used to store goods when they are transported on large ships.  They are usually 6 meters or 12 meters in length.  When empty, they weigh about 2 500 kg.

Image result for sea container

A cargo ship is a ship that can carry many sea containers from one location to another.  They have a maximum number of containers they can carry.  They also have a maximum weight that they can hold.


1 - Create a class called CargoShip that has the following data fields (instance variables):

·         name – the name of the ship

·         origin – the country from which the ship originates

·         containers – the number of containers on the ship

·         maxContainers – the max number of containers that the ship can hold

·         cargoWeight – the weight of all the cargo

·         maxCargoWeight – the max weight of cargo that the ship can hold

2 – Create a class called SeaContainer that has the following data fields (instance variables):

·         id – this is simply the name of the container (or an id number)

·         cargoWeight – the weight of all the cargo

·         size – the size of the container in container units (either 1 or 2)

Note: A container that is of size 2 simply counts as two containers on the boat.  A 6m container is a size 1 while a 12m container is a size 2.

We will assume that containers have no max cargo weight.

3 – Create a class called CargoProgram.  Place the main method inside it.  This class will contain your program code. 


1-Create an object that represents the following:

There is a cargo ship named "Paris on Water" that comes from France.  It can hold up to 400 sea containers and a max cargo weight of 6 000 000 kg.  It currently has 120 containers all weighting 2500kg (empty). 

2-Write the output statements required to output the state of the ship like this:

     Ship: Paris on Water (France)
     Sea container capacity: 120 of 400
     Weight capacity: 300000 of 6000000

Of course, everywhere possible, you need to make use of variables to do the above output statements.

3-Create the following three sea container objects:

Container #1:
This container is 6m long.  It weighs 7000kg.

Container #2:
This container is 6m long.  It weighs 5000kg.

Container #3
This container is 12m long.  It weighs 22000kg.

4 – Write the output statements needed to output the content of each container.  It should look like this:

     Container 1
     Size: 1
     Weight: 7000kg

5 – Container 1 is loaded onto the ship.  Output the new state of the ship.

6 – Container 2 is loaded onto the ship.  Output the new state of the ship.

7 – Container 3 is loaded onto the ship.  Output the new state of the ship.

8 – Once back at sea, a container weighing 2500kg falls off the ship and is lost.  It was a single size container.  Output the new state of the ship.

9 – At sea, another we encounter another ship described below.  Create that object.

The Great Wall, from China, is overcapacity.  It has 121 sea containers despite only being designed for 120 containers.  Its weight capacity is sitting at 1500000 of 2000000kg.

10 – Output the state of the Great Wall ship.

11 – Having difficulties navigating over capacity, The Great Wall contacts Paris on Water to unload one container.  Create the container object with the following info:

Container #4
This container is 6m long.  It weighs 8500kg.

11 – Container #4 is transferred from The Great Wall to Paris on Water.  Update both ships and output the state of each one to screen.


Here is partial sample output.  Notice that I included the STEP number to keep things organized.

Ship: Paris on Water (France)
Sea container capacity: 120 of 400
Weight capacity: 300000 of 6000000

Container 1
Size: 1
Weight: 7000kg

Container 2
Size: 1
Weight: 5000kg

Container 3
Size: 2
Weight: 22000kg

Ship: Paris on Water (France)
Sea container capacity: 121 of 400
Weight capacity: 307000 of 6000000

