




Wednesday, January 4th

Project introduced


Monday, January 9th

Project approval deadline

Friday, January 20th

Early submission date (+5%*)


Monday, January 23rd

Due date


Tuesday, January 24th and Wednesday, January 25th

Project presentation to teacher


* Up to 5% bonus, maximum boost of up to 99%, project must be fully completed to get the bonus.




  • ICS4U Students will have one day impacted by the AI competition.






AB – Astral will be creating a Choose Your Own Adventure text-based game in Java.


AB – Aiden is creating a dungeon crawler game in GameMaker.


HC – Haven is creating a text-based adventure game with battle mechanics using Java.


SEC - Shaun-Emily is using GUIs in Java to create an adventure game.


BC – Brandon will be using Unity 2D to create a 2D game.


EDR – Evan will be creating a web scraping app that will scrape real estate information from public sites.


DD – Dylan is hoping to analyze the maze generation algorithm described in class.  He is hoping to use Java FX for this.


DI – Davidson will create a platformer game in GameMaker.


AL – Andrew will be recreating a game similar to the Atari’s Breakout game using GameMaker.


JM – Jack will be creating a third person shooter game in GameMaker.


GM – Grace will be using Android Studio to create an Android app.  She has not determined the exact nature of the app at this point.


KM – Keyna will be creating a platformer in GameMaker.


LM – Lochlann will use Unity to create a video game.


AR – Asadel will be creating a text-based adventure game in Java.


AR – Andrea will make use of Java GUI elements to create an adventure game.


US – Udayan will create a version of pong or a version of Flappy Birds in GameMaker.  He has started both projects off.


CS – Charles will create a third person dungeon crawler in GameMaker.


FS – Fiona will recreate the Bubble Popper game in GameMaker.


AS – Adam is using the XCode IDE to program in Swift in order to create an iPhone application that will allow users of the app to detect each other at a distance (within Bluetooth range).  This will be used to allow TOP SECRET TOP SECRET TOP SECRET TOP SECRET (or to create a dating app).


DS – Drake will be creating a racing game in Unity.  He will be creating models for the game in Blender.


JS – Joshua will be creating a top down third person shooter game in GameMaker.


NT – Niko will be creating a 2D dungeon crawler game in GameMaker.




RD – Ryan will be creating a 2D dungeon crawler in GameMaker.


BGe – Blake will be creating a puzzle game in GameMaker.


BGr – Brennan will be creating a platformer game in GameMaker.


AKS – Amber will be creating a text-based program that allows users to create a D&D character.  It will have an option to output the character to a text file for use in a D&D game.


VL – Valen has been working on a Scratch game called Bowa.  It currently has Levels 0, 1 and 2 that are complete with 5, 10 and 10 rooms each.  He will make a copy of his game and will be working on adding to it for his project.


His early goal is to complete Levels 3 and 4 each with 20 rooms.  He also hopes to have a Boss at the end of Level 4.  He will make sure to add new mechanics in the game to ensure that he is coding new concepts during the culminating activity.  One concern is that the game is well polished (looks very nice) and to continue this may require more time with design (graphics, audio, item placement, …) then with coding.


BLa – Blake will create a parkour game in Unity.


BLi – Brayden will be creating an RPG game in GameMaker.


WL – William will be creating an RPG game in GameMaker.


RM – Reese will be creating a game in Unity.


OM – Owen will be learning the C++ language by creating several programs in C++.


AM – AJ will be working on a deck building game in GameMaker.  I am concerned that this will be difficult to complete on time and AJ is aware that he may only get part of the game completed.


APatAtharva will be creating an Asteroid-like game in GameMaker.


APau – Aryan will be creating a Rogue-like dungeon crawler in Unity.


DS – David will be creating a game in Unity.


JW – Jayden will be creating a 2D platformer (a la Metroidvania) using GameMaker.

