It is common to have to convert an integer variable to String.  This is done very easily using String concatenation.

       int i = 42;

       String s = i + "";

In the code above, the String s gets the value “42”.


This is very easy and is the exact same process as working with int.

       double d = 15.4;

       String s = d + "";


We can convert a String value to an integer as long as every character in the String is a number.

       String s = "12345";

       int i = Integer.parseInt(s);

Note that even having a space character in the String would cause an error in the conversion above.


We can convert a String value to a double value as long as every character is a number and there is no more than one point character.

       String s = "3.1415";

       double d = Double.parseDouble(s);

Note that even having a space character in the String would cause an error in the conversion above.  Similarly, having two points would cause an error.



Java automatically supports the conversion from a double variable to an integer.  So no special work is needed.


int i = 4;

double d = i;


In the above code, d will get the value of 4.0.


DOUBLE to INT (via rounding)


One approach to converting a double variable to an integer is to use rounding.  There is a round function in the Math class but note that it returns a long variable.  So we do need to typecast to an integer.


double d = 4.25;

int i = (int)Math.round(d);


In the above code, the variable i would get the value of 4.


DOUBLE to INT (via truncation)


We can convert a double to an int by omitting any decimal values all together.  This is called truncation and can be done using a simple typecast.


double d = 7.82;

int i = (int)d;


In the above code, the variable i would get the value of 7.


DOUBLE to DOUBLE with specified precision


Ok, so this isn’t a type conversion.  We start with a double and we want another double that has a set number of decimal places.  But it is a form of conversion that could be time consuming to figure out without a hint so we will cover it here.


Let’s say we have the number 3.14159265 and we want it with two decimal points only.


double d = 3.14159265;

double d2 = (int)Math.round(d*100)/100.0;


The above code will store the value 3.14 in d2.


And, to get the same number to four decimal places, we use 10000 instead of 100.  See below:


double d = 3.14159265;

double d2 = (int)Math.round(d*10000)/10000.0;


The above code will store the value 3.1416 in d2.


This is likely rarely needed.  However, we can put the content of an int or double array into a String by using the following:

       int[] arr = {1, 4, 2, 9, 5};

       String s = Arrays.toString(arr);


Here is an example:


import java.util.Arrays;


public class Testing


    public static void main(String[] args)


       int[] arr = {2, 5, 8, 3};

       String s = Arrays.toString(arr);






The above code will output the following to screen:


[2, 5, 8, 3]


If you wish to get rid the of the brackets, the following line would create a second String s2 without them:



String s2 = s.substring(1, s.length()-1);



Furthermore, if we wanted to remove the commas and the spaces, we could use the replaceAll method for Strings.  The following line creates a String named s3 that has no spaces or commas:



String s3 = s2.replaceAll(" ", "").replaceAll(",","");